Tips for Contacting Support and Getting a Faster Response

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd, Aug 5, 2011.

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  1. Plz hire me
  2. Tips for comtacting support and fast response is to show your naked ass body. Coz apes are all pervs fu apes!
  3. Then what about getting a insolence,it was unfair for me to get silenced thrice because of second silence when I did not so anything else wrong!and I already did all the ways.
  4. If you did not do wrong, You wouldn't be silenced now would you?
  5. I accidentally posted a number
  7. One does not accidentally post a number
  8. I mailed my consent to get unblocked but not recived any answer in return...?
  9. How do I apply to be a mod?
  10. Um i need a mod to ban this person because she was cussing out the owner her friend and me know she got a mod to silence us but she was the one who was causing drama so i really need a mod
  11. ?Wall Jerk , it says she is online at the moment.
  12. I got block for no reason
  13. Well the apes did nothing to my other accounts so it wont be useful sometimes 【・_・?】
  14. This is -NOTORIOUSBIG from game may i know why hv i got silenced in game since i didnt post anything in campus yesterday plz tell me the exact reason
  15. This is _Rirrie_ from game you got the exact reason of silence from PIMD as message lel
  16. When am i getting a reply

  17. You won't get a reply if you post here.
    You need to:

    Your in game name (ID)
    Game (pimd)
    Description of your problem.
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