Time to leave

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ava-Jasmine- (01), Oct 26, 2011.

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  1.  I can say that to you too, bubbass. Just with three fingers and a thumb forming a fist. 
  2. 

    Methane ROFL. 
  3. Sorry Moo, I love trolling fake ass liars. 
  4. I know what was posted, you know what was posted. Your friend is getting thrashed hourly because of what he posted. There is no need for an ss. I have told you countless times it will not stop until I get an apology on my wall from her
    Anybody that knows me, knows how relentless I am therefore there is no point expecting me to just stop
  5. I want to know what "rude" word she said. Trust me, I'm not falling for that shit. 

    I don't give a damn if everybody knows you, but it's pointless to get an apology that doesn't even exist.  Bro, I suggest you take your farming elsewhere. Inactives are nice hits. 
  6. Don't dare to write it?

    Fail troll
  7. Once again, she will be farmed until I get an apology on my wall. Get as many people as you like to come fight me, ive fought bigger and better and come out of it better than they did.

    For anyone interested, the comment is on the wall of hunterXhunter. Scroll down and you'll see
  8. Oh so u still don't dare to write
  9. Bubass, now you're making fun of Michelle because you've got nothing else to say. You're a horrible troll. And your excuses are dumb  Get better ones, like "my baby got kidnapped by Pedobear."

    Go fuck yourself 
  10. When I wanted to apologise u farmed me 50x

  11. I doubt you even know what that means. Google translate is a horrible translater, no?
  12. TBB she can't do that :|

    She should do it to her virtual baby :lol:
  13. That's incest 

    Wait her baby doesn't even exist 
  14. 
  15. Wanted to apologise and did apologise are different things

    I don't care whether you apologise or not. If you do I get what I want. If you don't I get a new permafarm. Either way it sucks being you
  16. Rogue, what happened? 

  17. Rogue, it sucks being an ignorant jerk, no?

    In this case, both are pretty similar. I told you to stop after I translated her apology, and yes you said it was okay. Yet you still farm a day after I'm back.

    Who didn't keep their promise?


    Who was being a stubborn fool?


    Who was being a greedy brat?


    All your fault Rogue, look at both ways, you're still Donald Duck with a cork stuck in his throat. 
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