How was pug hunt hard? Like at all the pugs were giftable so not hard i gifted hundreds of those things
Christmas Ava or Super Gooko. I'll buy both if you offer them. Or bring back old school avatars with 60% stats
I missed the Halloween and Christmas hunts Til the end if each and it was too late to achieve avatars... It sucks, I really like the Beach Biter and the Holiday avatars, but, I wasn't active, so I can see how it would anger those who fought for them. I say maybe reintroduce the old original starters, like the Party Girl, but give them better stat bonuses. The 20ec can be even stat, or a 20/5-5/20 and the 55ec could rival the Patriot Girl and Lab Geek Stats. I switched to my party girl avatar one say for the heck of it, and get tons of attention.
I'd support the holiday avatars. Or a different 40/10 guy. Both of the highest strength avis in the store (38/2 and 36/4) are currently ladies. Yes, the holiday avatars were a hunt reward. Then they went on sale. The reward only argument is, sadly, null and void.