Throwback Thursday Avatars - Your thoughts

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Hulk avatar

    Strenght ─ 39%
    Intel ─ 1%

    Bruce Banner Avatar

    Strenght ─ 1%
    Intel ─ 39%
  2. Everytime I see this in active posts I hope that ata has finally decided what they were gonna do. :/
  3. That's what we all think :/
  4. I want to bring back the Halloween ones...
  5. Halloween is over :lol:

  6. nice
  7. Devs see what they want
  8. How about that KAW AVI??????
  9. Nawww to me thats for only KaW
  10. The French Girl and Mascot Guy
  11. Vintage Queen The 55 Ecs avatar
  12. Make a avatar of a female wearing a giffare onies
  13. Make a avengers avatar.. Like iron man loki hulk thor and others superhero
  14. •Christmas Male Avi
    •Easter Male and female Avi
    •The prom King and Queen Avis
  15. Can a mod lock this thread? Lol
  16. I would honestly be extremely disappointed if you brought back the Christmas avatar. We don't need anymore party fairies with strength stat avatars
  17. Personally I liked the Winter/Christmas avatars. If we could, dare I say, *hunt* for them in parties. That would be ok...I know I'm going to get A LOT of crap for saying that...Just scream gently in my ear guys. I'm fragile. 
  18. Maybe the Pokemon Jesse Ava
  19. Maybe you guys should and please gift random avis. to players. Some of us cant really buy them. This Christmas please let us choose one free avi. of our choice in the store please PIMD!!
  20. [quote="PrettyPunkForeveyeo