I have an idea. Make a hunt where the Ava is 69/1, and then only give it to people who haven't had the advantage of the holiday boyfriend avatar. Then all of the people who are saying no support because they worked "so hard" for it can complain about not having the strongest avatar for awhile. It would be fun to watch!
To all the Christmas Avatar complainers: Christmas is in 3 months. Wait that long, and they will have a hunt with stronger avatars than usual! Also, they just had the Pokeymon hunt, but I'd rather not go back to that..
Ok I've no read complaints. I want my old avi back! They didn't used to let you switch and I'd like to have her. I also really like that I've been asking in feedback to get her back once you mentioned bringing back older avatars! Now bring back my nazi!
I should also add that I'm opposed to bringing holiday hunt avatars back! Regardless of whether participants bought after the hunt or earned it, I think it shows loyal players who should be rewarded for length and activity. When holiday hunt items are brought back for a throwback Thursday it takes away from their efforts!
Maybe just bring out a new avi.. Same str/int as christmas one For thos who started playing afterwards. Maybe Possibly Ok
For the people who think bringing back hunt avi's is unfair, what about bringing them back with a slight variation? I like this: 5% less strength/Intel. You have 24 hrs to complete. If not, the next chance is 5% less again. This way new players get a chance and old players don't feel cheated for working hard the first time.