Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Bump
  2. bump!!!!!!! awwwwwwwww 

  3. Part 34: Zach's Point of View

    I woke up early, to get out of the house. I didn't want to be here when Chloe woke up. That would ruin the whole surprise.

    Tonight's the night. I was so nervous, I couldn't stop shaking. I ran downstairs after getting dressed and gave my mom Chloe's first clue. The others I hid after everyone went to bed, last night was one of those sleepless nights.

    I had already gone out to almost every store in town and gotten everything ready for when she found the clue that would lead her here.

    I walked down the long path that leads to the treehouse, there were lights strung up all around. A pile of food was in the corner, I'm a small guy, but I eat like there's no tomorrow. And now we wait.

    At around 5, I was standing outside, around the 'Deck'. Pacing back and forth. I stopped when I heard a rustle in the trees. I looked towards the direction the noise came from and saw Chloe emerge from the trees.

    She scared the crap out of me so I jumped. I laughed and then started walking towards her.

    "Were my clues too confusing?" She shook her head and I smiled. "Good."

    She looked around the treehouse and started laughing. She probably saw all of the food on the floor. She looked up at me with a sparkle in her eyes. "Zach, how long have you been out here?" I blushed, of course she saw all the food.

    "Uh.. all day. I came out before you were awake. Here, I set up some games for us to play." I took her hand and led her inside the treehouse. I had games set up all over the room. She chose to play Chutes and Ladders.

    She beat me about 5 times, I didn't even let her win. I gave up and brought her outside to the roof of the treehouse. I had a blanket set up for us to lay on.

    We sat there looking at the stars for a while. I turned so I could see her beautiful face. I used my elbows to prop myself up on my side. I reached out to grab her hand, and hold it. Our fingers laced together, they fit perfectly.

    "You're gorgeous Chloe." I whispered while looking into those beautiful eyes that made me weak in the knees. I ran my thumbs along her hand, my whole body was tingling and I got butterflies in my stomach.

    I stood up and lifted her with me. I towered over her, I leaned down to make it less awkward. As it is she already had to break her neck to hold eye contact.

    I took the necklace I had gotten her out of my pocket and put it around her neck. She won't notice it for a while, but on the inside of the heart 'I love you' was engraved. I knew she wouldn't find it, it's very small and slightly hidden.

    I took her hands back in mine and looked her in the eyes again.

    "Chloe, I promised that I will never hurt you. It's been killing me since the day I met you that I couldn't call you mine. You have no idea how many times I have wanted to kiss you, but I stopped myself because I want to do this the right way. You know, the whole sweep you off your feet style. I like that." I reached up to cup her cheek in my hand.

    "Chloe, will you be my girlfriend?" I felt my heart stop beating.

    "Yes." She whispered as a giant smile broke out on her face. My face mirrored hers. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I lifted her up and set her back down. I was smiling like an idiot. I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

    She looked up at me with a questioning look on her face. I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my neck, another one of my nervous habits.

    "I um, kind of made this vow to myself that I wouldn't kiss you unless you asked me to, I don't want to do anything you aren't ready for." I felt my cheeks start to burn. I probably sounded like a loser.

    She smiled and hugged me. "You are so cute." She whispered into my ear. I felt a shiver travel down my spine.

    We stayed outside for a while, but then it got cold so we went inside. I walked her to her door and kissed her on the cheek. "Goodnight beautiful." I started to walk away, but I was called back by a small, shy voice.

    "Zach, kiss me."
  4. awwwww bump!!!!! 

  5. Awe bump 
  6. Part 35: Chloe's Point of View

    He started walking away, no. Come back! My voice came out very shy and small.

    "Zach, kiss me." I felt my cheeks start to burn. He turned around on his heels and faced me. He had a smirk on his face, an adorable, playful smirk.

    He got closer and closer, before I knew it, he was standing so close to me, I could feel his body heat against mine. He was always so warm. I could feel his hard breathing against my neck and I could hear his heart beat speed up.

    He towered over me, he was looking down at me and I was looking up at him. "Are you sure? I don't want to to force you to do anything.." He was looking deep into my eyes, those chocolate brown eyes were filled with concern. His raspy voice was just above a whisper, just low enough that it wouldn't wake anyone.

    "Just kiss me already." He was taking way too long, almost building suspense leading up to our first kiss. He reached around me and opened my bedroom door, then slowly stepped forward, making me step back.

    Once we were inside of my room, he lightly touched his finger to my chin, pulling it up to be closer to him. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." His breath hit my lips, sending shivers through my body.

    He leaned forward, slowly. My eyes fluttered shut as I felt his lips lightly touch mine, electricity ran through my body. He wrapped one arm around my waist as the other held my cheek. He pulled my body even closer to him, like it was possible. I lifted myself up on my toes to be closer to him, my arms were locked around his neck. He pulled away too soon.

    A gorgeous smile broke out on his face. "Wow." I laughed, he was just too cute. I nodded, wow doesn't even sum up what just happened.

    He turned to leave again. I felt my stomach drop. "W-where are you going?" He grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. A small smile played on the corners of his lips.

    "To put my pajamas on. I'll be right back." He kissed my cheek again an left.

    I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and then crawled under the covers in my bed. I was cold, as usual. There was a light knock on my door, Zach's head popped in. He stepped in wearing athletic shorts and a pair of black basketball socks, that's all.

    His abs were shining in the moonlight. He ran over to my bed. "Are you cold?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against him so my back was pressed against his bare chest.

    "Not anymore." I whispered.
  7. I don't know if I like this part. It seems slightly boring, so sorry about that.
  8. I like it
  9. 
  10. I love 
  11. awwww bump!!!!! ii  it

  12. Part 36: Zach's Point of View

    I woke up before Chloe did, she must be really tired. We stayed up late just talking about things. I promised her that I would try to go to all of her games this year, and she said the same for me, since I'm on the college team.

    I decided not get up. I was completely fine with laying here while she was asleep in my arms. Chloe looked so peaceful, she looked like an angel. I wrapped my arms around her tighter and pulled closer to me.

    I laid there with a smile on face, thinking back to last night. She said yes, and then we had our first kiss. And now, the girl of my dreams is laying in my arms, fast asleep, the most gorgeous girl in the entire world. I am one lucky man.

    I closed my eyes just to remember her face when I asked her. Chloe stirred next to me, but I kept my eyes closed. I felt her turn to face me, and her lips lightly touched against mine. My eyes fluttered open, even though I was already awake.

    "Good morning, sleepy head." She had a big smile on her face. She leaned to kiss my cheek but I moved my face so her lips gently touched mine again. She laughed and pulled away.

    "Good morning, beautiful." She blushed and looked away. She mumbled something that I could almost make out.

    "Zach, I'm not beautiful." I reached up and gently turned her face back towards me, so she was looking into my eyes.

    "You don't know how beautiful you are, do you?" She shook her head and looked down. "Chloe, please look at me.." I whispered, she slowly looked up, we were looking into each others eyes again. "You are the most gorgeous girl in the entire world. Your eyes, wow, they make my heart skip a beat, and they make my heart race." She smiled. "There's that smile that I love. You have the smile of an angel." Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

    "I'm the luckiest guy in the world because I have you. All to myself. And there are certain things I won't share, you, are one of them."

    I kissed her cheek and got off the bed. She looked at me funny. "I'm just going to shower and get dressed. You can come if you want." I winked at her to let her know I was only kidding.

    "You're weird." She said laughing. I went back to kiss her again.

    "You're the one who said yes." I smiled and left the room.

    I went to take a shower, I skipped toward my room whistling, 'Just The Way You Are' by Bruno Mars. I ran into my mom on they way to my room.

    "What are you so happy about Zach? Wait, let me guess. She said yes." I nodded.

    "She said yes." I whispered.

    My mom smiled at me and continued going downstairs, probably to get some coffee. I turned the corner into my own little hallway, my parents had my room far away from everything and soundproof. So that when I had friends they wouldn't hear us.

    I opened my door and heard my iPhone beeping. I started to look for it and then saw it on my bed. I unlocked it and stared down at the first text from Josh.

     Dude, I'm so sorry. I accidentally told Tori you were in town. Sh*t dude, sorry. 

    "Damn it Josh!" I opened the other text, it was from Tori. I felt my body tense up.

     Hey baby. Josh told me you were in town. Let's get together sometime. ;) Have some fun. 

    I felt rage spread through my body. This girl has been stalking me since 10th grade.

    "What the f*ck Josh!"
  13. Nooooo!  Bump 
  14. Nooo!!! Bump bump bump!!!!!
  15. :D


    I'm eating your story.
  16. 
  17. awwwww nooooooooo problems  bump!!!!!! 

  18. BUMPDATE 
  19. bump!!!! 