Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. bump!!!!!!!!!!!!' 

  2. Bump
  3. Part 32: Zach's Point of View

    I felt like such an idiot. I ran around the house panicking because I thought I lost Chloe. Either way, I found her.

    We're in the car now, on the way to my parents house. She was singing along to the music playing. I kept looking over at her because she looked so adorable. Car singing is a glorious thing.

    She turned the music down and looked at me, I looked but tried to keep my eyes on the road. "Yes?" I said laughing. She was just looking at me, almost like she was trying to memorize my face. Like I was going to disappear all of a sudden.

    "What if your parents don't like me?" She whispered. There is no doubt in my mind that my parents are going to love Chloe.

    "Chloe, listen to me. My parents are going to love you. You know how I know that?" She looked at me and shook her head. "Because I dooo-n't think they can not like you. Just trust me, they'll love you." She raised her eyebrows and nodded.

    That was so close! Ugh. I'm such an idiot. She turned the music back up and kept singing along.

    We pulled up to my parents house.. erm.. mansion. I pressed the button for them to open the gate. "Chris, it's Zach.. okay thanks." The gate opened and I heard Chloe gulp. I reached over and grabbed her hand, and gave her an assuring look. She seemed to relax a little bit at my touch. Holding her hand woke my whole body up. Tingled were running through me from head to toe. I couldn't decide who was more nervous, me or Chloe.

    We drove down the long driveway and finally pulled up in front of the house. People came running over to greet us, one of them was my nanny from when I was little. My parents were around a lot but they would have to leave sometimes for a while. So Janice would always take care of me, hence why she is my nanny.

    I introduced her to Chloe and we went inside. My mom came running up to us and gave me a giant hug. Then she went over and kissed Chloe's cheek and hugged her as well.

    "You must be the famous Chloe! I've heard so much about you! Come with me, dear. We'll have some bonding time!" My mom dragged Chloe away. She shot me a funny look, probably not knowing what to do. I just laughed and smiled, letting her know that it was alright.

    I walked around the house trying to find my Dad. I wonder where he went. I looked in the kitchen and found a note from him.

     Tell Zach that I'll be home around 5. 

    I looked at my phone. It's only 3. Knowing my mom, they won't be back for a while. I decided to go into the theater and watch a movie.

    Chloe's Point of View

    Zach's mom grabbed my hand and dragged me outside to another car. She told me to get in, at that we were going to have some bonding time. She was a really sweet woman, I can see where Zach gets that from. He also has her eyes.

    His mom looked at me and then back out at the road. "You're very beautiful Chloe, just like Zach said you were. Tell me about yourself."

    "Well, thank you." I laughed as my cheeks started to burn. Did Zach really tell his mom that he thought I was beautiful? "I'm 17, and a Senior in high school. Uhm. I lived with my older sister Jane, up until recently.." Crap. What if she didn't know that I moved in with Zach?

    "That's right! Zach told me that you moved in with him, I support that. I hope you don't mind, but he told me about your situation. Don't take it the wrong way, you can trust him completely, but he tells me everything. I support your decision to move in with him and Josh. Josh is a little crazy, but Zach." She smiled. "Zach would cut off his arm if you asked him too, or if it would make you happy. He a very dedicated person so once he commits to something, he puts his all into it. I hope you don't take it for granted, he's an amazing person. I would hate to see him get hurt."

    Being with his mom made me miss my mom even more than I already do. I cleared my throat. "I don't take him for granted, he really is amazing. I'm very lucky to have him in my life. He is the kindest, most caring person I have ever met. And just between you and me.."

    I can't believe I'm about to tell Zach's MOM this. "I think I'm falling in love with him." She smiled at me.

    Zach's Point of View

    My dad had gotten home a little while ago, almost at the same time Chloe and my mom did.

    I was sitting in the living room watching the Celtics game with my dad and Chloe. I started explaining the game to Chloe but I stopped after she started laughing at me.

    "Zach, I PLAY basketball. I've been on the varsity team since my Freshman year, and I've been a starter since then." I sat there with my mouth open. This girl continues to amaze me. "Don't look so shocked Zach." She laughed. Music. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me."

    Our eyes were locked on each other. It was interrupted by my mom calling my name from the kitchen. I walked over to see what she need, if she needed any help.

    She was leaning against the counter with a smirk on her face. The kitchen was far away from the living room so I knew they couldn't hear us.

    She smiled. "I think she's a great girl Zach. She's beautiful, funny, and very sweet. I approve. I think she's perfect for you. She's definitely a keeper." I smiled back at her. My mom means everything to me, so her opinion matters.

    "I think so too."
  4. This part took me foreverr!
  5. Bump!!! Love it! 
  6.  This story has won the most popular story in my "Reader's Paradise thread. Congrats! 
  7.  Really?! YAAYY!
  8.  you deserve it, I enjoyed this story a lot, I might be coming to you for some words on your opinions to put on "Readers Paradise"
  9. To all my readers, I guarantee you that tomorrow's posts are gonna be amazing!!

    I don't even know the song

    Happy Christmas Mah Peoples.
  11. CONGRATS! YOU DESERVE IT!! Great update by the way
  12. Thankchuu'!
  13. Update now please?
  14. bump!!!!!!!! 

  15. Omg I love this so much! <33
  16. Bump
  17. Part 33: Chloe's Point of View

    I woke up in a large room. At first I wasn't quite sure where I was. But then I remembered that I was at Zach's parents' house. Where is Zach?

    I got up and dragged myself to the other side of the hall. I peeked into his room. He bed was made and he was not in it. I decided that I would take a shower and then keep looking for him.

    I got dressed; I decided to wear one of the shirts that Zach had given me and a pair of jeans. I walked downstairs to see his parents at the kitchen table, but Zach was nowhere to be seen. Zach's mom turned around and smiled.

    "If you're looking for Zach, I'm not allowed to tell you where he is. However, I'm supposed to give you this." She handed me a note. "Nice shirt by the way." She smiled again and sat back down at the kitchen table.

     Good morning, Beautiful!
    Today you're going on a treasure hunt. At the end you will have a surprise. You can use certain people for help.
    -My Mom
    -My Dad
    Let the games begin. For your first clue, go back to your childhood. An object turns into money. 

    What does that mean?! OH! Tooth fairy, pillow. I ran back upstairs and looked under my pillow.

     Nicely done! For your next clue, go somewhere that you would play a sport we both play. 

    His basketball hoop. I ran back downstairs to ask his parents where the basketball hoop was.

    "Oh! The gym is down the driveway a little more. I'll have Janice take you." Zach's nanny led me down the driveway to an enormous building that they called 'The Gym'.

    There were a ton of people in there, but the receptionist looked at me when I walked in. "Are you Chloe?" I nodded. "Mr. Bennett wanted me to give this to you." Mr. Bennett? It's just Zach, it's weird for me to think of him as anything except for Zach.. My Zach.

    I opened the next clue.

     Your next task is to go into town an go shopping. Get whatever you want. When you get back, get dressed and Janice will give you your final clue. Don't worry about money, it's taken care of. -Zach. 

    I'm normally not the type to go shopping. However, I smiled and went. When I walked in the store a lady walked up to me. "You must be Chloe! I was told to show you these, and have you choose two of your favorites." She smiled at me and show me a ton of gorgeous outfits.

    I had no idea which one to choose, since I'm not a very fashionable person. So I asked the lady, her name was Nicole, what her favorite outfit was.

    She picked out a dressy black pencil skirt with a light purple top. I got dressed there to make sure I did it right. She also did my hair for me. Nicole wanted to do my make-up for me, but I told her no thank you an that I didn't wear make-up.

    "You don't need it anyway." She said smiling.

    I left the store and headed back to Zach's house. Janice gave me the final clue.

     Something every child loves, memories are made. Come play in the trees and look at the stars with me. 

    I had no idea what the clue was talking about, so I showed it to his mom. She had a huge smile on her face. "Honey, I think he's talking about the treehouse. It's down that path about half a mile, and then to the right some."

    I started walking to where she pointed. It was a beautiful night. Just the right temperature and the sky was crystal clear. As I got closer to where she had pointed, I saw twinkling lights. A figure was standing in the trees, pacing back and forth. It was Zach.

    He was dressed in a suit with a black tie. He looked so handsome. I cleared my throat and made him jump. Zach laughed and walked over to me.

    "Were my clues too confusing?" I shook my head as he smiled. "Good."

    I looked around and laughed, there was a ton of food all around the treehouse. "Zach, how long have you been out here?" It was dark out, but I could tell he was blushing.

    "Uh.. all day. I came out before you were awake. Here, I set up some games for us to play." He took my hand and led inside the treehouse. Chutes and Ladders was set up on the floor. My favorite game!

    After beating Zach almost 5 times, he gave up and brought me back outside. We sat there looking at the stars. Zach turned so he was facing me, he was laying down on his side, using his elbow to prop himself up. He reached out to grab my hand.

    "You're gorgeous Chloe." He whispered while looking me in the eyes. His thumb was running over my hand and electricity was running through my whole body.

    He stood up, bringing me with him. I had to tilt my head upwards just so I could look at him in the eyes.

    He took something out of his pocket. It was a long, velvet box. He opened it and put it around my neck. I looked down and saw that it had a heart shaped pendant. He took my hands back in his and looked me in the eyes.

    "Chloe, I promise that I will never hurt you. It's been killing me since the day that I met you that I couldn't call you mine. You have no idea how many times I have wanted to kiss you, but I stopped myself because I want to do this the right way. You know, the whole sweep you off your feet style. I like that."

    He reached up and touched his left hand to my right cheek and stroked it in his thumb.

    "Chloe, will you be my girlfriend?" I couldn't say yes fast enough.