Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Aw...  BBUUMMPP
  2. Awe bump
  3. Part 90: Ali's Point of View

    I sat on the bed, rubbing my stomach and looking up at the ceiling. I'm going to have a baby. I smiled small to myself. I don't understand why Josh isn't as happy as I am. We were going to have a baby, and he or she would be beautiful.

    I heard a car pull into the driveway and two doors shut. Footsteps started coming up the stairs. I heard Zach talking to Chloe. "Good morning baby." He said in a soft voice. I could picture him smiling and giving Chloe a kiss.

    I heard more footsteps coming up the stairs. They stopped right in front on my door. I heard a sigh and Josh walked into the room, he flinched when he saw me rubbing my stomach. He'll grow to love the baby. I know he will.

    He walked into the bathroom and got changed into his pajamas. When he came back out, he climbed into bed, but far away from me. I sighed. "Josh.."

    He shook his head. "Ali, please don't talk." He sighed and closed his eyes.

    "Josh. Please talk to me." He didn't turn around. "Josh please."

    He turned around to face me, his eyes were red and puffy. He had tears rolling down his cheeks. "I don't know what you want me to say." He whispered. "I don't have anything to say Ali."

    "You're looking at me differently.." I whispered. His eyes filled with tears again.

    "I can't look at you the same anymore Ali. I just can't." I felt tears well up in my eyes.

    "I'm still the same person. The same Ali." He shook his head.

    "You're not though. The Allison I fell in love with, she loved me, she loved me more than anyone else in the entire world. The Allison I married was completely fine with adopting children, because she knew that if she had kids, it would kill her, which would kill me, her husband." A tear fell down his cheek. "The Allison I see in front of me right now, doesn't care about what will happen to me if she died. All this Ali cares about is an unborn baby, that's going to take her life. That she won't even get to see, or get to hold.

    "I'm going to make it Josh. I'm keeping the baby for us." He shook his head as another tear rolled down his cheek.

    "You're not going to make it." He whispered. "and that scares the sh*t out of me knowing that I'll have to find some way to live without you." He looked down at my stomach. "Because of that thing. You're not keeping it for us. If you were doing something for us, you would do what the doctor told you. I know it goes against what you believe in, but you would get rid of the baby that's going to take you away from me. If you were doing something for us, you would do everything in you power to make sure we would be together forever."

    "I'm not getting rid of the baby Josh. I'm sorry." A tear rolled down his cheek.

    "Then you should start writing your will." He turned around, his back was facing me. "I can't believe this." He whispered.
  4. bump. It's so sad but it's so good
  5. Oh my god please bump 
  6. awwwwww.... bump!!!! please dnt let her die .... 

  7. Ali annoys me why can't she just see that Josh won't forgive her...
  8. Bump bump bumpy bumpity boo -_- i dont want Ali to die -_-"
  9. Noo 
  10. Don't let Ali die  bump
  11. GASP!!!

  12. Bumppppp
  14. BUMP! 
  15.  thts all.

    And BUMP!
  16. Part 91: Josh's Point of View

    I sat on the bed, staring at the wall until I heard Ali's muffled snores. I turned around and faced her.

    I ran my hand along her face. "My beautiful wife." I whispered. A tear slipped down my cheek. "Why, baby. Why."

    Why does she want this baby so badly? I don't understand it. I don't care if it's our baby. I really don't. I wish she could have children without being at risk of dying, but that's not the case. I wish more than anything else for us to have kids.

    ..and now it's finally happening, and I hate it. I hate that baby. It's going to take my wife away from me. My beautiful, amazing, wonderful, and dedicated wife. I can't even look at her the way I used to. My heart is broken and she hasn't even left yet. She's still here and already feels like she's gone. She is though. Ali has been sentenced to death.

    I pulled her closer to me and held her in my arms. "Please, Ali. Please. You're being crazy. A baby isn't going to make me happy. Please." I felt tears run down my cheeks as I held her close.

    I kissed her on the forehead and got out of bed. I walked downstairs and found Zach and Chloe sitting on the couch. They are so perfect. It makes me sick just being around them. I need someone to talk to.

    I decided to go see the counselor at the college. I walked into his office and he smiled at me. "Hey Josh! What can I do for you today?"

    I told him everything, starting from 8th grade, to now. 7 years later. Many tears fell down to my cheeks. "She's not the same anymore, Mr. Anderson. She's not my Ali."

    He had a very thoughtful look on his face. "Why don't you divorce her? I mean, if she's changed."

    "It's not that simple, sir. I'm still in love with her. I love her with all of my heart. But she's breaking it, without even realizing it."