Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. OMG! I don't want Ali to die BUMP
  2. bump!!!!! 

  3. Bump 
  5. OMG OMG OMG OMG BUMP BUMP BUMP!!!!!
  6. Part 88:

    "ARE YOU F*CKING INSANE ALI?!" He started pacing back and forth. "I'm not letting you keep the baby. It's not f*cking happening."

    I sat there looking at the ground. "Unfortunately, Josh, that's not your decision."

    "What the f*ck do you mean 'it's not my decision'?! I'm your HUSBAND Ali! I have a say in this!" I shook my head.

    "I'm not killing my child. I was raised in a Christian household. Abortion is a sin Josh." He looked at me, anger filled his face.

    "Yeah?! Well so is suicide! That's what you're doing by keeping the baby Ali! You're going to f*cking kill yourself!" His eyes had anger, fear, and hurt all mixed up into it.

    "I can make it. I'm strong." I whispered.

    "You're so f*cling delusional Ali! The doctor said if you had children you would die! You're not strong enough! You're bones are weak and fragile! They can't carry a baby." He gritted his teeth. "I'm not letting you do this."

    "and I'm not getting an abortion."

    "Ali, please. You can't just leave me! We can adopt as many babies as you want, but you're not going to risk your life for one f*cking child."

    I looked down at my stomach and rubbed it. I'm going to have a baby there. "It's not just a child Josh. It's my baby. Our baby. Why aren't you happy?"

    Tears were filling his eyes. "Because! This baby is going to kill you! I don't care what sort of bullsh*t you're telling yourself. It's going to kill you, you and I both know it. I'm sorry I'm not jumping up and down because my wife is going to f*cking commit suicide for a BABY that she'll never get to hold, that's going to take her life and take her away from ME. Why would you want to do that?!"

    A tear rolled down his cheek. "It's ours Josh. I don't want some random person's baby. I want to be a mom. It's a miracle I even got pregnant." I got up and took his hand, putting it against my stomach. "It's our baby."

    He ripped his hand away. "Fine, but if this baby kills you, I hope you know that I won't even be able to look at it knowing that it's the reason the love of my life is dead."

    He looked away from my eyes and stormed out of the room, leaving me standing in the middle of our room, rubbing my stomach.
  7. awwww..... bump!!!!!!! 

  8. This is just like "Something Missing" Katie dies bc of the baby . She gave birth and then she died
  9. Omg I almost cried. Very good. Keep it up.
  10. It is not like that Raychel.
  12. Part 89: Zach's Point of View

    Chloe and I fell asleep watching a movie upstairs in our room. I woke up to screaming. I heard Josh. Then I heard a door slam. He came barging into our room. I looked down at Chloe and saw she was fast asleep in my arms. I put my pointer finger up to my lips to shush Josh.

    He looked pissed. "Get a f*cking shirt on. Meet me in the car."

    I waited until he was out of the room to get up. I slowly got up, trying not to wake Chloe up. She rolled over and her eyes opened slowly. I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the cheek. A small smile formed on her lips. "You need to shave." She whispered.

    I chuckled and kissed her again. "You like it." I felt a small smirk form on my lips. "I'll be back later baby. Josh needs me for something."

    "I love you." She whispered before rolling over and going back to sleep.

    "I love you too Chloe." She was already asleep before I said that. I threw a shirt on and a pair of clean athletic shorts and walked out the door and over to my Range Rover. Josh was sitting in the front seat with his hands on the wheel.

    I got in and looked at his hands, he was gripping it so tightly his knuckles were white. "What's going on?" He didn't answer me, he just waited for me to shut the door and then he sped out from the driveway.

    "Josh.. Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He glanced over at me.

    "Shut up Zach. I'm thinking." I sunk down into my chair and shut up. He pulled up at Chloe's school. We got out and sat on the bleachers at the football field. He put his face in his hands. "Sorry for snapping at you bro."

    "It's all good. You gonna tell me what's wrong?" He sat up straight and looked at me. His eyes were slightly blurry.

    "Ali is pregnant Zach." A smile spread across my face.

    "That's great buddy! Congrats!" I patted him on the back, he swatted my hand away as he stood up and started pacing.

    "No, it's not f*cking great! It's terrible! The baby is going to f*cking kill her." Tears started flowing down his cheeks.

    "Is she going to get an abortion?" Josh shook his head.

    "No." He whispered. "She doesn't understand that it's torturing me Zach. She doesn't care if she has the baby, she will die. There is no maybe, it's a definite thing. Zach, I can't lose her."

    "Did you try telling her that?" He nodded.

    "She doesn't care. All she cares about is the f*cking baby. I tried telling her that we could adopt as many children as she wants to have, but she's hung up on the fact that it's 'our baby' and how it's a miracle that she got pregnant."

    "Well sh*t dude. I don't know what to say." He put his head in his hands again and his shoulders started to shake.

    "I don't know what to do Zach. She thinks that she's doing a good deed by keeping the baby and not getting an abortion. She's f*cking committing suicide." He looked up at me, tears were still running down his cheeks. "I can't lose the one girl I've been in love with since 8th grade. Especially if it's over some dumb baby. What would you do if it were Chloe?"

    I shook my head. "I don't know dude. I really don't know. I guess I would go with whatever she decided. It would kill me, and torture me, but I would still have a piece of her. You know, the baby. I don't know. I'd like to think that we would decide together."

    Josh stood up again. "See, that's the f*cking problem between me and Ali. She made the decision all by herself. I didn't get a say in it at all. She doesn't care that, hey, maybe I might not want my wife to die. No, she decided on her own. She doesn't take the way I feel about things into account. She thinks I'm going to agree with whatever she says, because that's what I normally do. Because I just don't give a flying f*ck. But when it comes to losing my wife, there's no way I'm okay with that."

    "Josh, I'm sorry. I really don't know what to tell you." I looked over and saw my best friend crying his eyes out. I've never seen him cry like this.

    "If that baby kills her, I won't be able to look at it. Let alone take care of it. Especially love it. It'll grow up with me hating him or her."

    "I don't think you would hate it Josh. I mean, yeah, you would be upset about it. But, you would move on from Ali and find someone else to raise the baby with." Even as I said this, I knew it was complete and total bullsh*t. Josh knew it too.

    "Zach, there is no moving on from Ali. She's the one and only."
  13.  made me cry 
  14. awwwwwww.....  bump!!!!!! 