Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Part 85: Zach's Point of View

    Chloe was being more quiet than usual. She had her head resting on my chest, we were watching a movie. She seemed like she was deep in thought. She was tracing random shapes on my chest. It kind of tickled but I didn't mind.

    I felt something wet fall onto my chest. Was she crying? I pulled her closer and wrapped my arm around her tighter.

    I kissed the top of her head and started to rub her back. I know that always soothed her. "Shh. It's okay baby." Why was she crying? Her tears kept rolling down, one after another.

    I pulled her into my lap and held her like a baby, slowly rocking her back and forth. She rested her head onto my shoulder, still crying. I moved the hair out of her gorgeous face and kissed her forehead. "Chloe, what's wrong?" She shook her head. I reached up to her face to wipe away tears that were still falling down.

    I gently pulled her chin towards me so she was looking me in the eyes. "Baby, why are you crying?" I was really confused, she normally doesn't cry for no reason so I was getting worried. I reached up and wiped away another tear.

    She tried to shake her head again but I stopped her, she needs to tell me what's wrong. So I can at least try to fix it. "Chloe, tell me what's wrong." I looked into her eyes, they were cloudy with tears. "Baby, please."

    "Zach.." I waited for her to continue, as another tear rolled down her cheek that I wiped away with my thumb.

    "Zach.. Why do you love me?" She whispered. She was looking at me straight in the eyes.

    "Baby, what do you mean?" Anger flashed onto her face.

    "Just answer the question Zach." Why was she getting angry?

    "Where is this coming from Chloe?" She pushed my chest away from her, getting out of my arms.

    She stood up and started pacing back and forth, she was muttering something about Jane being right. "You can't even answer the question! What the hell?!" She gasped. "Oh my gosh. She was right!"

    More tears started falling down her cheeks. I got up off the bed and walked towards her. She turned around and glared at me. "I can't believe you." She whispered. "You.. You."

    I took her into my arms, an held her tightly. She tried to fight me. I picked her up and crashed my lips onto hers, putting all I had into kiss. At first she didn't kiss me back, but then she gave in. Sparks were shooting through my body, and I know she felt them too.

    I pulled away and set her back on the ground, but I pulled her hips toward me and sat back down on the bed with her back in my arms. I was out of breath from that intense kiss. "That's why I love you." She looked at me with tears in her eyes. I hugged her even tighter. She rested her head on my shoulder.

    "Sparks and electricity fly through me whenever we touch. I love your personality. I love how you make funny sounds whenever you sleep. I love that you don't care what you look like and you're just happy with yourself. You're naturally beautiful and you're the most gorgeous girl in the entire world. I love that you make me nervous as hell, but it's so comfortable to be with you. You give me butterflies in my stomach and I always wake up and go to bed happy because I have you right next to me. I loved your heart. You have a heart of gold. Baby, you light up my world just with your smile."

    I could hear small sniffles coming from her. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I-I just. Jane, s-she said that no one would ever l-love and y-you were pretending." She buried her face into my chest. "I started to believe her." Her voice was so small, almost a whisper.

    I rubbed her back and lifted her face up in my hand, so she had to look me in the eyes. "Baby, please. Don't EVER question my love for you. Doubt me any way you want to, but never ever doubt that I love you. You are my world. My everything." I kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Do you understand me?"

    She nodded. "I'm sorry Zach." Another tear slipped out of her eyes, I pulled her closer to me and wiped it away.

    "Shh. It's okay baby." I kissed the top of her head and set my cheek down on top of it, slowly rocking her back and forth. "It's okay." I whispered into her hair.
  2. Bump  this is the best story :) i love it 
  3. Amazing update! 
  4. Naw babe 
  5. Part 86: Ali's Point of View

    We were all in the theater watching a movie. I wasn't really paying attention. I was more focused on how sick I've been feeling lately.

    I looked over and saw Chloe fast asleep in Zach's arms, he was running his fingers through her hair and rubbing her back. They were just too cute.

    Tasha, Emily, and Chris were all paying attention to the movie, and Josh was drifting in and out of consciousness. He had his head resting in my lap turned toward the screen.

    "Come on Josh. Let's go upstairs." I shook him awake.

    "Go away." He grumbled. I leaned down and whispered into his ear.

    "I'm gonna go take a shower." He immediately shot up.

    "Allow me to join you." He smirked. I just shook my head and laughed at him.

    "Goodnight guys." I took Josh's hand and dragged him upstairs. He went to the bathroom.

    "Aren't you coming babe?" He gave me a hopeful look.

    "I showered before we watched the movie." I said shaking my head. Josh grumbled and crawled into bed, facing the wall.

    "What a f*cking tease." I smiled and closed my eyes. A couple minutes later, I felt Josh roll over and rest his head across my stomach. I fell asleep quickly, but kept waking up because I kept feeling sick.

    I woke up in the morning early, because I had a doctor's appointment. I didn't wake Josh up, he was sleeping way too soundly.

    I snuck out of the house, got into the car, and drove to the doctor's office. A nurse came into the room they put me in. "So, what seems to be the problem?"

    I cleared my throat. "Well, I've been feeling very sick lately. Like nausea."

    She smiled at me. "The doctor will be in to see you in a few minutes."

    Dr. Chandler came in and ran a few tests on me, she left to go get them processed. When she came back in, she had a very confused look on her face.

    "My my my. This can't be good. How is this even possible?" She flipped a few pieces of paper over and examined them.

    "Well, what is it?" She was starting to scare me.

    "Uhm, I don't exactly know how to tell you this." She glanced up over her glasses with a worried look in her eyes. "Mrs. Parker.. You're pregnant."

    I gulped. "What?!"
  6. Bump
  7. Part 87:

    "You're pregnant. Mrs. Parker, when was the last time you had your period?"

    I tried to think but too many things were running through my mind. "Uhh.. 7th grade." Dr. Chandler put her head in her hands.

    "I'm afraid I don't know how this is possible." She looked at me with concern in her eyes. "Allison, your bones aren't strong enough to carry a baby."

    "But, Doctor, I'm alright now. I can handle it." She shook her head.

    "Mrs. Parker, you may be cured from anorexia, but you still have to live with the effects. If you have this baby, I can guarantee you, that you won't make it." She looked down at the papers in her hands. "We will have to schedule an abortion."

    "No." Dr. Chandler looked up from her papers, and looked at me like I was insane. "I-I have to talk to my husband."

    She nodded. "Well, we'll still schedule it. Just call if you're canceling. Which I highly suggest you don't. Have a good day, Mrs. Parker." She shut the door and left.

    I'm pregnant. If I have the baby, I am going to die. Abortion.

    I pulled up to the house and ran up the stairs to Josh and I's room.

    "Josh. Babe. Wake up." He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

    "Why are you waking me up?" He kept rubbing his eyes as he laid his head in my lap. "Evil lady." He grumbled.

    How am I going to tell him?

    "Josh. Uhh.. I'm pregnant." He immediately shot up. His eyes were wide with fear.

    "No no no no no no no." He put his head in his hands. "This can't be happening."

    "Josh, I'm keeping the baby."
  8. Oh damn.  Feedback

    I love you guys.

    Amazing story<333

    Your feedback there, master
  10. More !!! Bump !!!
  11. Bump
  12. Omg more more don't stop ahhhh
  13. Bump bumpy bumpity!!continue update Xp
  14. Noo ali cant die!!
  15. Dont let her die please:(