Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.


    I'm soooo stupid to not see it!!

    IM NOT KIDDING
  2. Oh and BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP!!!!
  3. Thankyou! 
  4. Bumpppppppppin' yo' Momma
  5. Hahaha no problem! YOU DESERVE IT!

    And YOU UPDATE FAST unlike me who probably takes an hour for a short update.

    Ahahahaha anyways UPDATE PLEASE
  6. Part 80: Chloe's Point of View

    I looked over and saw Zach smiling to himself. "Well, I didn't have a dream but I do have a favorite name. For a baby girl." I felt my cheeks flush.

    "Since we're naming our children, what is it baby?" He took my hand in his and laced our fingers together, his thumb ran up and down the top of mine. I loved it when he did that.

    "Jenna." I smiled. "I've always just loved that name."

    Zach turned to look at me. "Your mother's name was Elizabeth, right?" I nodded. "Jenna Elizabeth Bennett. That has a nice ring to it."

    I smiled up at him. "It sure does."

    Just then we pulled up to my school. I felt a knot grow inside of my throat, I gulped to try to make it go away bit it just rose higher.

    "Zach.. I can't do this. I-I have stage fright. What if it's not good? What if everyone hates it? What if I-"

    He gently grabbed my face in his left hand and turned my lips into his giving me a nice sweet but yet passionate and urgent kiss. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. His breathing was uneven.

    "Baby, you really need to learn that everything you do is amazing. It takes my breath away." He chuckled, he was trying to catch his breath. "Literally."

    Zach took my shoulders and gently moved me away from him so he could look into my eyes. "You are going to do great and your speech will be even better. Just like I've kind of heard you practice. Even though you won't let me listen."

    I smiled at him and bit my lip trying to think of a way I could put this without giving too much away. Today I had to make a speech about high school and what's beyond that. All because I'm valedictorian. Go figure.

    "You know you drive me crazy when you bite you lip." I looked back up and saw him smirking at me. "You just look so adorable." He kissed my cheek but his mouth still lingered by my ear. "You are the most gorgeous girl in the entire world."

    His whispers sent shivers down my spine. It always did when he was this close. Which reminds me, today is June 14th. Our 10 month anniversary.

    "Which reminds me," He took out something from his coat pocket. "Only if you want to wear it." He held out a ring that would fit perfectly around his thumb. I nodded. His lips turned up into a crooked grin. "It's my class ring. Class of 2009." He took a chain out of his pocket, like a necklace chain. "It wouldn't fit on your hand so I got a silver chain so it could be a necklace."

    I reached up and touched my neck, where the necklace he had given me 10 months ago remained. I had only taken it off for basketball games, and then it had gone right back to where it was. Zach noticed that I had my hand on the necklace. "I love that you still wear that." He smiled that irresistible grin. He reached up and put his class 'necklace' around my neck. "For good luck." He whispered. "If you start to get nervous or anything, just look for me in the audience. You know where I'll be sitting. It'll just be you and me baby."

    Just me and Zach.
  7. Moooorrrrreeeee!!!
  8. Bumppp! 
  9. Bump
  10.  BUMPP
  11. Zach's Point of View

    I took Chloe's hand and led her to where she was told she had to go and line up. I kissed her cheek and then her other one. I hate it when she isn't right next to me. But, she has to graduate sometime. "My beautiful high school girlfriend." I whispered. I tucked a stray piece of hair back behind her ear as she blushed. I could feel the warmth against my hand. I felt a smirk playing on my lips. This year has gone by so quickly.

    "Not for long." She returned my smirk with a quick wink. No one was around us, we were outside of the building she was supposed to be at. I wasn't allowed in, and judging by the looks of it, I had gotten her here a little early. I like being early to things. Being early is always better than being late.

    I sighed and stuck out my bottom lip. "I know, it just that 10 months ago today, you were just starting your Senior year, we just started dating, you had just moved in with me. It's all going by too fast." She nodded her head. "and next year I'll be transferring, so we can still be together. I couldn't stand not seeing your beautiful face, even if it's only for a couple of weeks. I don't know how Josh does it."

    Her eyes widened. "Zach! You didn't tell me you did that!" She jumped into my arms and I caught her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. Chloe's gorgeous smile was plastered onto her face. Her eyes were sparkling more than her usual sparkle. "I love you so much Zachary James." I smiled and kissed her lips.

    "I love YOU, Chloe Marie. More than you could ever imagine." I gently set her back down on the ground and sat on the stone wall that was right next to the stone building. Chloe stayed on the ground, looking up into my eyes and holding my hand. I ran my thumb along the top of her hand, I've noticed that always seems to relax her.

    The door opened behind us and someone popped their head out. Chloe and I turned to looked at them. It was probably one of her teachers. "Well well well Ms. Jennings, don't you just look stunning." I smiled and looked back at her. She really does. The elderly woman opened the door and started walking towards us. When she got closer I hopped down from the stone wall and wrapped my arm around Chloe's waist.

    "Is this the young man that I always hear so much about?" Chloe blushed and I smiled at the woman. "Wow." She turned to Chloe. "He does have a gorgeous smile."

    She turned back to me and clapped her hands together once. "Well, turn around. Let's have a look at you."

    I laughed and did a 360 turn. "You look like a sharp young man. Chloe has told me everything about you. She's very lucky to have you." She shot me a toothy grin. I smiled again.

    "I think I'm luckier to have her ma'am." I reached my hand out to shake hers. "My name is Zachary Bennett."

    She smiled and shook my hand. "Well that's a charming name." Beside me I could see Chloe's cheek turning more red. "I'm Mrs. Adams. Pleased to meet you dear. I'm her college counselor. She told me that you attend the college she took classes at during the afternoons?"

    I nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I'm a sophomore. I skipped a grade, so I'm not actually that much older than her. But, Chloe and I were partners for the year in the class she took at the college." She nodded.

    "Yes, I've heard the story. My dear, you know that our little darling is going to be attending Harvard next fall. That's not exactly close to here." I smiled at the old woman, she was so sweet. There's just something about elderly people that makes them so lovable.

    "Yes, ma'am. I know." I was still holding Chloe's hand, I started playing her ring. "That's why I'll be transferring there as well."

    She gasped and put her hands up to her face in a joyful way. "That's so romantic!" Mrs. Adams turned to Chloe. "Isn't that romantic, sweetie?"

    Chloe nodded and looked up at me. "Yeah." She smiled. "It really is. I just found out about it 30 minutes ago."

    I smiled back at her and then looked back at Mrs. Adams. "I just couldn't live without her. She means too much to me."

    "Well, I'll leave the two of you lovebirds alone. Say goodbye and then I'll be needing our valedictorian." I smiled as she walked away. I turned to Chloe and smirked at her.

    "Well, that was embarrassing." She mumbled. I took her face and cupped it in my hands.

    "That, was adorable." I corrected her. I leaned forward and kissed her lips one more time. She reached up and wiped my lips with her thumb.

    "You had lip gloss on you." She said smiling. I smiled back at her.

    "I wonder why.." I smirked.

    Mrs. Adams poked her head out of the door again. "Come on, Chloe my dear!"

    "You should go." She looked over towards the door and nodded. She leaned up and kissed me one more time before she ran off to the door.

    "Break a leg, baby."
  12. BBUUMMPP
  13. Part 81: Chloe's Point of View

    "Well, he seems like a charming young man. He looked me in the eyes and shook my hand." I just smiled. "That shows that he's respectful. If he didn't look me in the eyes, I would be concerned. That means you can't trust him. But you can. I approve."

    "Yeah, he really is amazing. Thanks for your approval, Mrs. Adams. He's perfect." Mrs. Adams smiled.

    "I'm so proud of you dear, even after everything you've been through. You still find a way to get back up, keep fighting, and fall in love." I felt my cheeks turn a bright shade of red.

    "I have to keep fighting. Life is too glorious to just waste. Why not fall in love? Zach is my first boyfriend I have ever had, and I know he's the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with." I laughed and smiled to myself. "We named our first two children in the car on the way here."

    "Oh really? and who are they going to be?" She is such a sweet woman, I love her to death.

    "We're going to have a son first. His name will be Carter James Bennett, and then we'll have a daughter. Her name is going to be Jenna Elizabeth Bennett." She smiled.

    "Those are lovely names. Absolutely lovely. Elizabeth is your mother's name, correct?"

    I nodded. "Yeah, it was. That was Zach's idea." He is just too cute.

    "Well, that's so sweet! He seems like he worships the ground that you walk on. I could tell just by the way he was standing that he's very protective of you. Which isn't a bad thing, not at all. It just shows how much he cares about you, which is over the moon."

    "Yeah, he is an amazing guy. He's sweet, funny, charming, romantic, caring, passionate. My goodness, he's handsome. He makes my heart skip a beat."

    By then other people had started to arrive. Mrs. Adams began handing out robes and we were all set.

    We lined up in alphabetical order, I was in the middle because my last name is Jennings.

    The music started playing and everyone began walking out, one by one. Then it was my turn. I slowly began walking out, making sure I didn't trip on anything. My eyes frantically looked around the room trying to find Zach. There he is, his eyes locked with mine. I saw his lips turn up into a crooked grin. 'I love you', he mouthed. I smiled and he quickly took a picture with his fancy camera. He looked at the picture and gave me a thumbs up, he then went back to taking random pictures of me. I just smiled, it was so adorable how he wanted to take pictures, like a mother or father would. But this is different. Zach is the love of my life, he is my past, my present, and my future, and I love him to death.

    I looked beside him and noticed empty chairs. Zach saw me looking and he took out his phone. He sent some texts and then smiled at me as soon as I arrived at my seat. The ceremony went by quickly and then it was my turn for my speech. I locked eyes with Zach.

    It's just the two of us. I reminded myself.