Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Love it but i thought that Chloe was a shy no friend kinda girl and now shes so confident..:/ and the relationship is toooo perfect and Zach is way to protective of her, getting angry when she hugs another hate that but your a really good writer love it bump!! 
  2. Chloes confident because she knows that someone thinks shes beautiful, their relasionship is perfect because the love eachother, zach is protective because she doesnt want to lpose her like he did with his last girlfriend. Not starting a fight just telling you  but anyways BUMPP
  3. No i get that but its too perfect and i dont like that part and im just saying i dont know anyone who would want there bf to be that protective its ended alot of relationships, i know it wont end this one but im starting to dislike Zach and Chloe...:/ which i dont want to. and i just dont feel chloe anymoor shes a different person...but i love the story 
  4. It's an amazing story nd I love all the characters!!!
  5. Cant wait to see what happens with chloes sister...!!  she hasnt called yet thought, maby shes dead!! 
  6. Can i read the update now=.=
  7. Yes, let me write/type it.
  8. Next chapter!! 
  9. Part 78: Zach's Point of View

    I slowly woke up, I had the best ever last night. Chloe and I were married, we had a beautiful son. His name was Carter. I like that. Carter James Bennett. James is a family name, and it's my middle name, and the C ties in with Chloe. It's perfect.

    It has been two days since I had given Chloe her ring, we were back at our house now, and today was her graduation. My high school girlfriend isn't going to be in high school anymore.

    Yesterday I had taken her to get her hair and nails done, she didn't need it but I know that today is one of the most important days of her life, and I wanted everything to be perfect.

    I looked down at my beautiful girlfriend, her head was resting against my bare chest, my arm was wrapped around her body, holding her close to me. Her bottom lip was stuck slightly out, like she was pouting. She looked so adorable.

    I glanced at the clock and saw it was 9:15. She needed to be at her school at 4. I decided not to wake her up, last night had been hard on her.

    Jane called her on her phone, I didn't know what exactly was said, but I know she had cried almost all night while I held her. She didn't tell me what happened, which is alright. I understand that she didn't want to talk about it. She can tell me when and if she's ready, there's no rush.

    Chloe started to stir in her sleep. I kissed the top of her head. "Shh baby. Go back to sleep." She mumbled something, hugged me tighter and drifted back off to sleep.

    I stayed awake for a while, reading a book on my phone. I promised Emily that I would read the Twilight series with her, I'm already on the third book. By now, I'm totally Team Edward. He knows how to treat a lady right. I've got respect for a fictional character.

    By the time I looked at the clock again, it was noon. I lightly kissed Chloe on the lips. "Baby, it's time to wake up." I whispered. She grumbled and rolled over. I smiled and laughed to myself. "Baby, it's your graduation day."

    Chloe rolled back over into my arms with a big smile on her face. She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "It's my graduation day!"

    "Yes it is." I whispered, smiling at her. "I'm so proud of you."

    She laughed. Her laugh was like music to my ears. When she smiled, I smiled. "I'm proud of you too." I raised my eyebrows and shot her an amused look. She leaned up and kissed me again. "You had to put up with me."

    "You're nothing compared to Josh." I smirked at her. She stuck her tongue out at me. "I will bite your tongue one of these times baby. Watch it." I slowly moved to get out of bed, bringing her with me. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast."

    She shook her head. "No, I'll make YOU breakfast. You always cook for me. I can cook too." I smiled at her and grabbed her hand, holding it in mine.

    "Fine, you can make breakfast. But can I help?" She shook her head. "You're difficult." I sighed.

    "I know." She smiled and pulled me downstairs.

    Josh kind of still lives here, he goes to see Ali a lot more than they used to see each other, because they're married now. But they still go to different colleges, so they can't always be together.

    After breakfast, Chloe and I got dressed. And damn. Chloe could cook, really well. That was like the best breakfast ever. I had no idea she was so good at cooking.

    I was downstairs. I was wearing black dress pants, with dress shoes, a black belt, a light blue shirt and a black tie. I was looking fly. Chloe had put my outfit together for me, saying that the blue made my eyes pop and it made me look even more tan than I actually am. I just smiled. Whatever she wanted.

    I heard footsteps come from downstairs. "Do I look alright?" I turned around and my jaw hit the floor. She was wearing a light purple dress, with black strapped high heels, but not hooker heels, dressy heels. Her hair fell perfectly around her face, and she was wearing a little bit of make-up. I'm probably the only one who would notice, because I look at her too much for my own good. But they made her eyes just stand out. Her eyes were so so so gorgeous. "Uhh Zach?"

    I snapped out of it and walked over to her. "You're going to make my girlfriend jealous." I smirked. I picked her up so she was closer to me, even with high heels she was still a foot shorter than I am. I leaned forward slowly and kissed her gently when I pulled away, I set her back down and smiled. "You look stunning baby. Absolutely stunning."

    I took her hands in mine and led her towards my Range Rover. I opened the door for her, and helped her in like I always did. I go in on the driver's side and started the car.

    She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Well, here we go." She said as I backed out.
  10. Bump  update again pretty please
  11. Bump!! thx for bringing back jane ;)
  12. 50 pages!!!! woop woop
    Bumalshios!! 
  13. Bumpalishios ^^
  14. Part 79: Chloe's Point of View

    I felt incredibly nervous, this is the first time anyone from my school would be seeing Zach and I together. I mean sure he had come to almost all of my games, unless he had a game, but no one knew we were dating.

    "I have something to tell you." I looked over and saw he had a huge smile on his face. "or talk to you about something."

    "What is it babe?" His smile grew even wider, grinning from ear to ear. "What are you smiling at?" I asked chuckling.

    "That's the first time you've ever called me that. It's normally just 'Zach' or if you're mad or trying to wake me up, 'Zachary'." His cheeks showed a light shade of red. "It surprised me."

    I laughed. "What do you have to talk to me about?" He glanced over at me and studied my face a little bit.

    "How many kids do you want to have?" His eyes flashed a small look of delight, like he knew something I didn't.

    I thought about it for a minute. "No more than six but no less than two. I wouldn't want to have only one child, everyone needs someone to play games with around their own age." He laughed. "Whaaat?!"

    "You've really considered this haven't you?" I nodded.

    "Haven't you? How many kids do you want to have?" His lips turned up into a crooked smile.

    "As long as I'm with you, and the kids are ours, I honestly don't care, but I definitely want to have more than one. For the same reason. And I want to have a son before I have a daughter, so if anyone hurts my little girl, my son can kick their as*."

    He would be the one to think of that. I smiled. "You're so cute Zach. Why did you even bring this up?" He looked at me again quickly before hi gaze returned to the road.

    "I had a dream." He whispered. I waited for him to continue, but he didn't.

    "About what?" He thought for a minute before continuing his previous thought.

    "You and I were married and we had a beautiful son. He had your eyes, my hair, your lips, and my facial structure. He was going to break some hearts, but I would teach him how to treat a lady right."

    Zach smiled at me, he was going to be a great dad. I could tell just by how he was with Luke. We were going to be the best parents anyone could ask for. "What was his name?" I whispered. His smile grew even wider, he was obviously very pleased with his 'son's' name.

    "Carter." He whispered. "Carter James Bennett."

    "Carter James Bennett." I repeated. "I love it."
  15. Naw so cute!! I want more!!!!
  17. Moar o.o LAIK MOAR
  18. Bump, love it xx