Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1.  update!!!
  3. ᏌᎮᎠᎯᎢᎬ!!!!
  4. Chill guys she's writing 
  5. Part 73: Chloe's Point of View

    "I'll be right back." He kissed my cheek and walked off towards the bathroom.

    I looked down at my phone and started scrolling through my Facebook messages and smiled at Josh's.

    Josh Parker: HAPPY F*CKING BIRTHDAY GURL FRIEND. I love you. Don't kill me Zach. Only like a sister. I swear. ANYWAYS, HBDMF - Sir Joshua.
    (Happy BDay Mofo).

    He was insane. Then I saw Ali's.

    Ali Parker: Happy birthday to my amazing best friend! Thanks for putting up with me Chloe! I love you

    And then Zach's made my cheeks flush, my heart started to race.

    Zachary Bennett: To my future: Ms. Jennings, words can't describe how much I love you. 10 months. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy birthday baby.

    A smile crept onto my face. My cheeks got hot.

    "Well I'm flattered that my presence does such glorious things to you. You're pretty sexy yourself."

    I looked up and saw Brian staring at me, with a perverted smirk on his face. Before I could react, his lips were against mine. My eyes widened. I tried to shove him off, but he was too strong. I lifted my knee up, fast. He dropped to the ground, groaning in pain. I knelt down by his face, trying not to be too loud. After all, we were still in a restaurant.

    My jaw was clenched and adrenaline rushed through me. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He kept groaning in pain. Seriously? What's the matter with you?! Don't ever touch me again."

    I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Zach standing there with wide eyes. Oh sh*t. "Zach.. I swear it's not what it loo-" He held his hand up. I didn't even think he was able to move.

    "I know, I saw the whole thing. Nice shot by the way." He put money down on the table and knelt down beside me. "Get the f*ck up Brian. I don't care if you can't have children now. You crossed a line."

    Brian groaned and got up. Zach grabbed his arm and walked out of the restaurant. He put Brian into the back of the car, and opened my door for me. Brian tried to speak but Zach silenced him.

    "I don't want to know you're here Brian. Shut the f*ck up." Zach turned to me. "Baby, can you take my phone? Text Josh and let him know we'll be back at the house in like 20 minutes." I nodded and grabbed his phone from his hand. Zach took a deep breath and sighed. He seemed extremely calm considering what had just happened. I wanted to burn my lips, he's repulsive. I sent Josh a text and set Zach's phone down on my lap. I went to hold my own hands but Zach gently took my hand in his, slipping his fingers between mine.

    His thumb ran along my hand, he was deep in thought. Obviously thinking very hard about something.

    Zach's Point of View

    Brian just practically shoved his tongue down my girl's throat. And now I'm taking the as*hole home. What the f*ck is wrong with me?! Ugh. I hate being a nonviolent person. If Chloe hadn't kneed what the good lord had given him, his precious jewels of life, I probably would've beaten his as*. But I'll give it to him. That looked like it hurt like hell.

    I could seriously kill him. The next time he even thinks about touching Chloe, I'll.. I dunno. But serious damage will be done.

    I was still holding Chloe's hand. It was probably the only thing keeping me from turning around and punching him. No one dared to say a word, probably thinking it would upset me. I tried to keep my breathing even to appear calm. But I wasn't. My whole body was incredibly tense, I could hear Brian's breathing, which made me aware of his presence. Which pissed me off.

    We pulled up in front of Brian's house. I parked the car and got out with him, looking back at Chloe. "I'm not going to touch him.. I'm just going to talk to him." She seemed unsure. "I promise." Chloe nodded and took my phone to play on it.

    I smirked. She always plays in my phone. I walked up to Brian's door where he was standing.

    "Look Zach I-" I cut him off by putting my hand up.

    "Shut the f*ck up Brian. I really don't want to hear you right now." He nodded. "I just have something to tell you, I honestly don't know why you keep doing this to me. First you take Hayley, which is understandable. She and I weren't right for each other, so I can thank you for that. It hurt at first, a lot, but I'm kind of grateful now. If it weren't for you, we might still be together. But probably not. But without you in a sick twisted way, I would've never met Chloe. Well, I would've but I wouldn't be able to call myself the happiest guy in the world, because she's mine.

    He sighed and looked back down. "I was never interested in any of those girls Brian. I hope you know that I tried to be your wingman, even if I was in my uh extreme depression stage." He nodded again. "and I'm sorry I started and you didn't but basketball is probably the one thing that kept me from killing myself." His eyes widened.

    "I had no idea." He looked at me with a fearful expression on his face. I nodded.

    "No one did." I sighed. "You know Brian, I considered you one of my best friends once upon a time. But now you're just the as*hole that wants me to die. That's what you're telling me by trying to take Chloe away from me." I was calm. I wasn't mad. I was just talking to someone. I didn't really feel anything at the current moment. "Without Chloe, I wouldn't have anything to live for. There wouldn't be a point." I looked back at my Range Rover, I could see her shadow, she was still playing on my phone. A small smile crept onto my face. I turned sideways to see Brian studying my face intently. "She means everything to me Brian. Please stop trying to take her away from me."

    He nodded. "See you later Brian. Have a nice night." I walked back to the car and got in. I took Chloe's hand in mine and kissed it lightly.

    "This is forever." I whispered.
  6. Gahddhtsxh

    Number one FAN:D
  7. Awe bump
  8. Nicee  update 
  9. Naw  bump
  10. I love how your story gives me GOOSEBUMPS 
  11. awwwwww..... 

  13. Awwwww 
  14. I NEED MOREE! NOW!!!!!! 
  15. Part 74: Chloe's Point of View

    "Forever." I agreed.

    He pulled out of Brian's driveway and started back to his house. "I'm sorry your birthday was so filled with drama. It must've stunk." I smiled at him. Brian just raped my lips, and he worried about my birthday not being good enough. Humph.

    "It was great. The best birthday I have ever had." He looked over and at me and raised his eyebrows. "Keep your eyes on the road Zach." I stuck my tongue out at him.

    "I thought I told you to watch where you stick your tongue. I can still bite it." He grumbled with a smirk on his face. "Seriously though, how do you normally celebrate your birthday?"

    I gulped. "I haven't celebrated my birthday since my parents died." He looked at me with a shocked look on his face.

    "Well that's going to change. We'll celebrate every year and do whatever you want." Birthdays are the last of my concern, they're kind of a waste of time. It just means you're another year older.

    We pulled into the driveway. Zach ran around the car to open the door for me. I suddenly felt incredibly tired. I rested my head on the headrest and curled up into a ball, almost falling asleep.

    I felt arms wrap around me. Zach's warm voice filled my ears. His laugh vibrated his chest as he pulled me into him. "Come on sleeping beauty, let's get you upstairs." He put one arm behind my knees and the other supported my head. He is amazingly strong.

    My eyes fluttered opened. I tried to get out of Zach's grasp but he was holding me tightly. "Zach put me down. I'm awake, I can walk." Hi lips twisted up into an adorable crooked grin.

    "I'm awake as well, and I can carry you." I sighed. This is a battle I wouldn't win.

    I rested my chest against his chest and took a deep breath. I breathed in his familiar scent, I loved the way he smelled. I shut my eyes and curled up even more into his chest. I felt myself drift off to sleep.

    "Baby, wake up. You have to change into your pajamas." I heard Zach's distance voice. My eyes fluttered open to see Zach laying down next to me in his bed. He was already in his 'pajamas'. I sighed and rolled over.

    "You can go right back to bed, but I want you to be comfortable. Please go change. I put one of my shirts in the bathroom for you."

    I got up and grumbled under my breath. Zach just chuckled and watched me. I walked over to the bathroom to change.

    When I came out I couldn't see Zach. But there was something resting on the bed.

    A small black velvet box.
  16.   bump!!!!!