Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. OMFG!!! just read the whole thing and it kicks as* tell me when it's updated and oh
  2. Part 69: Zach's Point of View

    She blushed and walked back over to where all the guys were standing. I took my shirt off to slip my jersey on. I looked up and saw Josh staring at me. "Don't say anything Josh. Seriously." He nodded and looked away.

    "You guys can start with the ball." Nick nodded and took the ball from me. Everyone got set up, I don't n ow how I'm going to feel about another guy guarding my girl. "Wait hold up." Everyone looked at me like I was on crack. "Uh yo Ben. You and I are switching teams."

    "Why?" I looked at him, he had an extremely confused look on his face.

    "I can't have another guy getting up close and personal with my girl. Not on my watch." The guys laughed, Ben shook his head and walked over to where I just was. I held out my hands to catch the ball. After all, I am a point guard.

    "Well I guess I have Zach." Chloe said and stuck her tongue out at me. I smiled.

    "and I'm never going away."

    Chloe's Point of View

    The basketball game went by quickly, we only went to 30 points. My team ended up winning. Zach keeps saying we only won because it's my birthday. "It's true baby. Only because it's your birthday."

    I smirked and looked back at him. "Okay Zach. Whatever you say." He laughed and kissed my cheek.

    We were in the car, on our way to the movies. "I love you baby." Zach whispered into my ear.

    "I love you more." I smirked. Zach and I had gotten into this argument many times. He kissed my cheek again and chuckled.

    "That's not possible, trust me." I just smirked and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

    Zach and I walked into the theater, hand in hand. We got two tickets to see Breaking Dawn. "Zach, you're going to be like the only guy in there." I said laughing.

    He laughed with me and grabbed my hand again. "So what?" He stuck his tongue out at me.

    "People are gonna think you're.. fruity." He smirked and looked at me with an amused expression on his face.

    He pulled me closer to him, snaking his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. "Are you sure about that?" He whispered seductively into my ear. A shiver went down my spine. "I'm okay with that. As long as I know, and you know, that I'm 100% straight, and madly in love with a beautiful girl names Chloe Marie Jennings, then I don't care what other people think."

    I smiled, he was so cute. We got into theater 15, and Zach pulled me up to the top row. He sat me down on his lap. "Zach.. I can sit on that seat." I pointed to the seat right next to him. He laughed and hugged me tightly around the waist.

    His chin was resting on my shoulder. "I know, but I like it better when you're as close to me as possible." He kissed my cheek again, making me laugh.

    "Zach! Why do you always kiss my cheeks so much?!" He smiled and kissed my cheek again.

    "I can't resist. They're just so." He took a deep breath and kissed my cheek again. "Kissable." He whispered into my ear.

    I laughed and leaned my head back onto his shoulder. I felt him tense up.

    "What the f*ck is he doing here?!" He said lowly, almost like a growl.
  3. Part 70: Chloe's Point of View

    Who was that guy? He looks familiar. Zach's grip on me tightened and he glared at the guy coming in. "Zach, what's wrong?" His eyes didn't leave the guy at the door.

    "I hate that f*cking bas*tard." His grip got even tighter.

    "Zach babe. That hurts." His grip got even tighter and muttered under his breath. His grip kept getting tighter and tighter. "ZACH!" His eye snapped towards me.

    "What?" He snapped. I looked down at his grasp.

    "You're hurting me." He looked down at his arms and immediately loosened his grip on me, but didn't let go.

    His eyes filled with concern and his eyes locked with mine. His expression turned back to the one I'm used to, not the Zach that's foreign to me. My Zach returned to me. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I just. Ugh." He looked down at his arms, he took his hands and and grabbed mine to hold it. "Are you okay?" He looked back up to me. His eyes were cloudy, like they were getting watery. I nodded, it didn't hurt that bad. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

    "Aw, isn't that cute? Well, she is." I looked up to see the guy Zach was glaring at earlier. Zach gently moved me up off his lap and stood up. His body was tense and his fingers were curled into fists.

    "What are you doing here Brian?" I could sense the edge in Zach's voice. Who's Brian? And why was Zach getting so angry?

    Brian smirked at Zach, clearly amused by his reaction. "I'm just here to see a movie. But I've run into you. With this." He moved Zach aside and winked at me. "This incredibly sexy girl."

    Zach moved right back in front of me. "'Sexy girl' is my gorgeous girlfriend. Don't you dare talk about her, don't even f*cking look at her as*hole."

    I have never heard Zach swear before, let alone get this angry. He normally doesn't get angry that easily. This is the angriest I have seen him in the 10 months we have been together.

    I grabbed Zach's hand. "Zach." He shook me off and turned around.

    "Chloe, please.." He trailed off once he looked into my eyes. He took a deep breath and grabbed my hand again. He seemed to relax as soon as he looked into my eyes. "Come on let's go. We'll go to another theater, or we'll do something else. Whatever you want." He smiled but was called back to Brian when Brian cleared his throat.

    "Well isn't that just adorable? Protective boyfriend gets pissed, sexy girlfriend calms boyfriend down. Incredible." There was major sarcasm in his tone.

    Zach looked at me. "Baby, start going down. I'll be right there."

    I gave him a worried look, Zach seemed about ready to punch Brian. And that's big because Zach is not a violent person. He just nodded, his eyes told me he could control himself. I started to walk away, but my ears caught what Zach had said to Brian.

    "Brian, stay the f*ck away from me and my girlfriend. If I have to see you again I will punch you so hard you won't feel your face for weeks. Seriously. You make me sick."
  4. Bump!  update update!!!
  5. Part 71: Zach's Point of View

    I grabbed Chloe's hand and led her out of the theater. I opened her door for her and ran over to the driver's side and opened the door.

    When I got in the car, Chloe started to talk but I cut her off by crashing my lips against hers. I reached my hands up, one rested on the side of her face while the other ran through her hair. This kiss could only be described in three ways. Passionate. Urgent. And electrifying.

    She pulled away with an unreadable expression on her face. "Zach, I don't get it.." I kept my hand on the side of her face, stroking her cheek with my thumb.

    My head tilted to the side. "Get what baby?" I whispered.

    She seemed a little nervous. "Well, you're not being yourself lately. Something about that guy.. Whenever he's around my Zach leaves and another one takes his place. I just don't understand it."

    "I can explain. I'm sorry for not being myself. But that guy makes my blood pressure rise."

    She looked at me and waited for me to go on, I had to relive it. Great. "Uhm, you see, I've only dated one other girl besides you, and when I was with her, she cheated on me with Brian. We used to be really good friends. I don't know why he would do something like that to me. But I'm glad he did because now I have you. The best thing that has ever happened to me."

    She smiled, so I continued. "He was jealous of me, that sounds lame but it's true. He's a point guard too. I played the whole game while he sat on the bench. Not to mention, every girl he ever liked was interested in me and not him. But I wasn't interested in them. I wasn't interested in anything.. That was during my depressed years. The only thing that kept me going was basketball. I tried telling the girls that Brian liked them, because I would always hear him talking about them in the locker room. But anyways, Brian sort of made a vow to destroy my 'love life'."

    She gasped. "That's horrible!"

    I nodded. "That's why I change when he's around. He wants to take you away from me, which makes me shake with rage because he already did that to me once. You're different Chloe, I couldn't live if I didn't have you." She smiled and kissed me. The kiss said everything. But, she pulled away and whispered into my ear.

    "Don't worry Zach. You will never lose me."
  6. Ahhh update pretty please
  7. Part 72: Zach's Point of View

    I smiled and kissed her again.

    "Have I ever told you that I love you?" She shook her head with a smirk on her face.

    "You never tell me." She whispered.

    It was my turn to smirk. "Well, I should tell you more often then." I lifted my head up so my lips pressed against her forehead. I whispered lightly against her cold skin. "I love you with all of my.." I kissed her right cheek. "Heart." Her left cheek. "Mind." Her nose. "Body." Her temple. "and soul." Her lips.

    She smiled and kissed me back. Her hands found my hands, I played with the ring she had on her thumb. It was probably her mom's. She pulled away, her beautiful eyes were sparkling.

    Chloe looked down shyly at my fingers, still playing with her ring. Her voice was very small, and quiet. "I feel.. sparks and electricity.." She looked up and into my eyes. "..every time we touch. It's like I can fly. My heart starts beating faster. Like I'm indestructible." She smiled.

    "Baby, you ARE indestructible." I kissed her cheek. They were hot, she was blushing. "Come on. Let's go get some food. I'm hungry." I took her hand in mine and started driving.

    We got to the restaurant and sat down, we ordered our food and ate. After we finished, I cleared my throat. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I got up and kissed her cheek before going to the bathroom.

    I came back from the bathroom, wiping my hands on my jacket, I didn't dry my hands very well. I looked over at the table that Chloe and I were sitting at.

    I felt my whole body freeze. I stopped dead in my tracks. My heart stopped beating.

    There was a guy at our table.. and he was kissing my girlfriend.
  8. Omg u just gotta update now 
  9. waaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! noooooooo   say it isn't soooo!!!!!!!

  10. Love it and you soooooo much 
  11. Holy butternut!!  update 
  12. OMG!!!!!! Update!!!! 
  13. UPDATE NOW!!!
  14. Omfg moreeeeeeeee