Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Part 67: Zach's Point of View

    He smirked at me. I stepped forward to f*cking beat his as*.

    Brian's head suddenly snapped forward and Josh stepped out from behind him with his hand raised. Josh just smacked him. Son of a b*tch deserved. Thinking he could win a girl through a basketball game. A BASKETBALL GAME.

    Not my girl. That's for damn sure. He'll never get his dirty little paws on my girl. That's right. MINE. No one else's. "What the f*ck is wrong with you Brian?! Girls aren't just some prize that you can win." I looked at Josh, everyone was gathered around us.

    "Brian, get the f*ck off my property before I kill you." My hands were balled into fists, jaw set, and I'm sure I looked scary as hell. I had never felt this angry before. No one messes with Chloe and MY relationship. No one.

    I'm not messing around. I would probably do some serious damage to him. I'm not a violent person, but I can make certain exceptions.

    Brian's eyes widened, he looked around at everyone standing around us and ran out the door. Everyone high-fived me and Josh came up and patted my back. "You are one scary son of a b*tch. I was almost sh*tting myself, and I'm on your team." He looked down at my hands that were still balled into fists. "Dude, go see Chloe, she'll like calm you down or whatever the f*ck she does."

    He didn't have to tell me twice. I walked over to Chloe and saw that she had been watching the whole thing. But there was no way she could've heard that. "What was that about?" I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. I kissed her, passionately. She's like a drug to me. She pulled away too soon and laughed. "Well that was nice." She flashed me her gorgeous smile. "But you still didn't answer my question."

    I looked into her eyes, they made me forget about everything bad happening, or could happen. They made me come down to Earth, but sent me to heaven at the same time.

    "Flash from the past. He's just some tool that thought you were hot. I almost killed him. He wanted to play me.. for you." Her eyes widened, but then she laughed.

    "That would've been fun to watch." It was my turn for my eyes to jump out of my head. Is she serious? I just almost beat the sh*t out of someone and she's laughing. I gave her a confused look.

    "I'm laughing because," She smiled and looked me in the eyes standing on her tip-toes. "You would've kicked his as*."
  3. bump!!!!!! 

  4. Bump bump bump update again plz
  5. Part 68: Josh's Point of View

    Note to self: Never ever piss Zach off. Ever. He's scary as f*ck.

    Chloe's Point of View

    "I'm laughing because you would've kicked his as*." He smiled at me. His arms wrapped around my waist as he picked me up and spun me around. I laughed and let out a scream.

    He put me down and kissed my cheek. "You're absolutely right. I would've."

    "YO ZACH LET'S GET THE GAME STARTED." Some guy with blonde hair called from the other side of the court. I think his name was Nick.

    Zach turned to me with a smirk on his face. "You, me, and Josh against Nick, Sam, and Ben?" I smiled back at him.

    "All of your names are short for something. Except mine." He looked at me like he didn't know what I was talking about. "Think about it. Zachary, Joshua, Nicholas, Samuel, Benjamin. and then I'm just Chloe."

    He smiled and hugged me tighter. "You're not just Chloe. There's so much more to you than that."


    I grabbed his hand and led him to the other side of the court. Nick stepped up and stuck his hand out. "I'm Nick. Zach and I played basketball in high school. It's nice to meet you." He had a really warm smile, like an older brother.

    I reached out and shook his hand. "I'm Chloe. It's nice to meet you." I smiled at him and he chuckled.

    "I know who you are. Zach here, has told me a lot about you." I looked beside me at Zach and saw a small smile on his face. "Here, let me introduce you to everyone. YO GUYS COME OVER HERE."

    The other two guys looked up from their game and ran over to us. "This is Ben." I looked up to see a tall guy, with brown hair. He ha a brotherly smile too, they all did. He stuck out his hand and I shook it. "and this is Sammy boy. Or Sam." A guy, shorter than all of them, but still tall came up and hugged me.

    "Sam's a hugger." Zach explained. Sam smiled and stepped back. I looked at Zach funny. He normally tenses up when another guy even looks at me. "It's just the way he is." Zach smiled and took my hand. "and now we play?"

    Everyone nodded. But Zach cut them off with a large smile on his face. "WAIT! I have something for you." He ran into the guys locker room and came back out with jerseys. He handed one to me. It had Jennings written on the back with #15. I smiled. "I know that 15 is your favorite number. I have one too." He showed me his, Bennett with the #22 on it. "My basketball number." Then he tossed one to Josh. Parker #10. "Josh's basketball number."

    "These are amazing! I love them!" I took off my current jersey and threw my new one on. When I had the other one on over my head I could see again. I looked up and saw all of the guys looking at me. "..uh.." I felt my cheeks get really hot.

    "Damn." Josh whispered. Zach took my hand and pulled me off to the side. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

    "You thought you had a tank top on didn't you." I nodded shyly and looked down. He lifter my chin up with his finger so I was looking at him. "It's alright baby." I didn't realize I had practically just stripped in front of 5 guys. He kissed my lips gently. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine. "Just save that for some other time, when it's only the two of us." He chuckled and kissed my cheek.
  6. (BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!)
  7. Naw so cute  haha i have done what chloe just did before  lol
  8. awwwwwww..... update please 

  9. Awww...bump! Izzy demands more!! 
  10. Wooooooooo!!!! 40 pages!! 
  11. Page 40!!! 40 more! BUMP NOW!
  12. I think we need another update to celebrate