Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. By the way this is coincedental because im on my . now too  but UPDATEEE 
  2. Part 59: Josh's Point of View

    I haven't seen Zach or Chloe all day. Ali and I were downstairs playing cards. Yes, you heard me correctly. Cards. F*ck. My. Life.

    Ali's Point of View

    I really like making Josh play games that he hates, I can just see him getting pissed off sitting here. It's really entertaining. "Do you have any 3's?" I smirk at him and he glares at me.

    "Go. Fish." He grits his teeth. "Baby, do we HAVE to play this?" I just smile and nod my head.

    "We're waiting for Zach and Chloe. Then we can go do something else."

    Josh's Point of View

    She wants to wait until Zach and Chloe come down? Fine. I'll go get their as*es out of bed. If you want something done, you have to f*cking do it yourself.

    Zach's Point of View

    Chloe seemed to be doing better, or at least she's really good at hiding how much pain she's in. Right now though, she was laying asleep on my chest. I turned off the movie, so it wouldn't wake her up. She was so beautiful when she was asleep, she looked just like an angel.

    I smiled to myself as she muttered something in her sleep. I kissed the top of her head and brought her even closer to me. I love having her close to me, it makes me feel like I can protect her. Like no one can hurt her when I'm around.

    "WAKE THE F*CK UP YOU LAZY AS*ES!" Chloe jumped and immediately sat up. She rubbed her eyes and looked towards the door, Josh stood there with a grin on his face. "Oh good, you're already up."

    - 2 days later - (Still Zach's Point of View)

    Today we were leaving my parents' house. Emily, Chris, and Tasha already left earlier today. I looked over and saw my mom talking to Chloe. I had already said goodbye to everyone and I was waiting in the car.

    I smiled knowing my mom loved Chloe. My mom leaned in and hugged Chloe tightly. She whispered something in her ear, I was close enough to make out what she said.

    "Take good care of my boy, please."
  3. The next part is going to be like.. in April. I'm going to skip through the holidays. I got a really good idea for like.. the next three parts. Soo. That's what's gonna happen.
  4. I love this story! Josh is hilarious! 

  5. BUMP 
  6. Bump!!! 
  7. Part 60: Chloe's Point of View

    "Good morning, my love." I looked over my shoulder and saw Zach smiling at me. He leaned in and pressed his lips gently against mine. I smiled in the kiss. We've been together for 6 months now, today was our anniversary. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. "Happy Anniversary." He broke out his irresistible grin that captivated me the first time I ever saw him.

    "and Happy Valentine's Day to you." He smiled and kissed me again.

    "Happy Valentine's Day baby." He whispered against my lips.

    "Can you believe it?" His smile just grew wider. I smiled back at him, we smile a lot. We don't fight. There's nothing to fight about.

    "A whole six months with you, no. I can't believe it. I feel like I'm in heaven. Because you," He cupped my face in his hands. His lips were so close to mine. I could feel his breath hitting my face. "You, are an angel."

    A huge crash came from downstairs. Josh had to ruin any moment we ever had. Zach got up out of bed and pulled me with him. It seems like Zach never has a shirt on. Not that I object. It's just a fact. We went downstairs and saw Josh with his head in his hands.

    He's been going crazy lately. He hasn't seen Ali since we were at Zach's parents' house. I knew it was hard for him. But they still talked everyday. Zach went up to him and patted his back. Josh smacked his hand away. "Don't touch me Zach."

    Zach's eyes filled with hurt. He's a very sensitive guy. Josh realized he hurt Zach's feelings, he quickly stood up and faced us. "Look Zach. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that.. This is the first Valentine's Day in 6 years that I haven't spent with Ali. I'll be okay. I'm uhm. I'm just gonna go up to my room." He walked by us muttering, "I f*cking hate Valentine's Day."

    Zach's eyes followed him upstairs. I nudged his arm. He looked down to look me in the eyes. His eyes still made me weak in the knees. "Go get him." I nodded toward the stairs, where Josh just went.

    "But baby, it's ou-" I quickly interrupted him, shaking my head.

    "Zach." I took his hands in mine, facing him. My head was tilted up a lot, because Zach is a foot taller than me. "He's your best friend. I don't care if it's our anniversary, our Valentine's Day, we'll just go do stuff together. We don't have to celebrate." Zach started to protest again, he's big on the whole romance thing. I shook my head. "I'm not changing my mind."

    Just then Josh ran down the stairs with a huge smile on his face. "I have the best idea ever! I just called her dad, she's at their house. I'll be back.. Uhmm.. Like next week. Gotta go see my girl!" His smile was bigger than a little kid's at a candy shop.

    Josh ran forward and kissed my cheek, making me laugh. I felt Zach tense up at my side. "Watch yourself Josh." He grumbled.

    Josh ran out the door, turning around to wave at us. Once he was gone, Zach looked at me with a smirk on his face. It was quick, I didn't even know what was happening. He lifted me up and carried me upstairs bridal style.

    "and now, we have the house to ourselves." He winked at me and threw me down on the bed. He crawled up onto the bed with an evil smirk plastered on his face.

    "Zach don't even thi-" His lips crashed against mine. It was a long, sweet kiss. One of the nicest ways to shut me up. His hand went up to cup the side of my face, his other one wrapped around my waist. Electricity was running through my body.

    He pulled away and hopped off the bed putting the tv on in the process. "Stay up here. I'll let you know when you can come back downstairs." He ran back to the bed to kiss me again before he ran out of the room.

    Two hours later, Zach came back upstairs with a big grin on his face. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed.

    "Come on baby." He stopped and pulled something out of his pocket. "Wait, put this on." He tied a blindfold behind my head. "Can you see?" He whispered into my ear. I shook my head, all I could see was black. I heard a low chuckle escape his lips. "Good."

    He led me down the stairs and took my blindfold off. The room was covered in a bunch of pictures of us and flowers and it was lit by candles, very romantic. We talked for the whole night and we even danced a little bit. Zach was an amazing dancer.

    We were laying down on the couch now, he had his arm around my shoulder, holding me close. He kissed my cheek and whispered into my ear.

    "Happy anniversary baby, I love you with all of my heart."
  8.  bump
  9. bump! 

  10. Part 61: Josh's Point of View

    Holy sh*t. I can't do this. No no no. Cold feet. I just. I can't.

    I'm standing in a little room where they keep the groom before the wedding. I smiled a little bit to myself. I'm getting married on 4/20. That is SO awesome.

    (For those of you who don't know what 4/20 is.. April 20th., it's national weed day).

    I keep pacing back and forth. Zach same in dressed in a tux. Thank goodness. I need this dude right now. "Zach! Holy sh*t am I glad to see you." He looked at me with an amused expression on his face. He raised his eyebrows as if to ask me what the hell I'm talking about. I let out a heavy sigh. "Dude. I. Can't. Do. This. I'm f*cking hyperventilating, or however the f*ck you say it. DUDE I'M FREAKING OUT."

    Zach chuckled and shook his head. He took my shoulders and sat me down in the chair, facing him. Thank goodness the dude is my best man.

    "Josh. Calm down. Just ask yourself these two questions. Do you love Ali with all of your heart, mind, body, and soul? Is she the person you want to be with for the rest of your life, no one else?" His brown eyes were diving into my soul. It was freaking me the f*ck out.

    "Yes. To all of the above. I can't believe you have to ask me that you dumb f*ck." Zach's Dad popped his head into the door.

    "I know I didn't just hear you swear." I shook my head and mumbled a 'No, sir'. He smiled and came and sat down next to me. "Cold feet?"

    Cold everything. I'm scared out of my f*cking mind. "Yes, sir. I'm scared out of my mind." He smiled and patted my shoulder.

    "Absolutely normal. I almost ran away when I was about to marry your mother." We call Zach's mom, my mom. Hence 'Your mother'. Zach raised his eyebrows and his dad chuckled. "and look how well we did. 2 girls, 3 boys, and an adopted son who just happens to be getting married today. I couldn't be more proud of you Josh. You're going to have an.. interesting family.

    Interesting is right. My kids will be f*cking awesome. Zach cleared his throat. "What Dad is trying to say is that everyone gets a little scared. But, when you see Ch-Ali walking down the aisle, nothing will matter anymore. It will be just the two of you in the room. Getting ready to officially spend the rest of your lives together. Let me tell you Josh, you will never find anyone as perfect for you as Ali is. She was made to be with you forever, and you were made to be with her forever."

    I got up with a big smile on my face and hugged Zach. I patted his back. "You should be a motivational speaker!"

    I was standing up in front of a thousand people. Ready to begin my life with the person I love with all of my heart. Maybe more than I love gummy sharks, but that might be pushing it a little bit.

    My best friend was right beside me, assuring me I was doing the right thing. This is right.

    Ali's friends from high school started coming down the aisle, led by my other high school friends. Zach was supposed to walk down the aisle with Chloe, but I told him that I needed him to stay up here with me. Otherwise, I might run.

    Chloe came around the corner, I could see a smile spread across Zach's face when he saw her. She was the maid of honor. I could sense Zach relaxing because he could see her, and he knew she was safe. He's very protective.

    The music changed and everyone stood up. I felt my stomach drop, Ali was coming now. Zach's little cousin, our flower girl, came skipping down the aisle. A big smile was on her face, she looked like she was having lots of fun.

    My eyes were glued to the door. Waiting for Ali to come around the corner, and then she did. We were the only two people in the room.

    And man, did she look gorgeous. My eyes were glued to her and hers was glued to mine. My vision started to get a little blurry. This is the first time I have ever cried from being happy.

    And then she was in front of me, she took my hands in hers and squeezed them, flashing me the smiled I would die for. This is it. I'm getting married.

    I didn't pay attention to anything the guy said but I repeated things in all of the right places and finally I said the magical words. "I do."

    "Ladies and gentlemen! I now pronounce you man and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Parker!"

    From there, I crashed my lips against hers. Things could get any better.

    The reception was a lot of fun, lots of drinking and dancing. Zach and Chloe were off in their own little world. They danced a lot but right now they were sitting at a table all by themselves. Chloe was sitting on Zach's lap, she was laughing at something he had said.

    Ali tapped me on the shoulder. I turned towards her with a big smile on my face. "Yes, Mrs. Parker?" She lightly hit my arm.

    "It's time to throw the bouquet." She smiled and got up on stage to announce it. Everyone cheered and gathered around the stage. I looked back at Zach and Chloe, they were still in their own little world.

    Ali turned around, giving me a great view, and threw the bouquet. It sailed through the air and landed perfectly.

    Right in Chloe's lap.
  11. bump!!!! 

  12. Awe bump
  13. Part 62: Zach's Point of View

    We were back at my parents house. Where everything started. Where Chloe became my girlfriend. Where I first told her that I loved her. When she first kissed me. When she freaking beat me at basketball. I still can't forget that.

    We were all gathered around the kitchen, helping my mom make dinner. All of the siblings were here again.

    Chloe was off playing with Luke, and I was talking to Chris. He looked over and smiled.

    "So, I see she's still here." He was talking about Chloe.

    "Of course she's still here. Get used to seeing her bro. She's not going away." I stated matter-of-factly.

    He just chuckled and walked away shaking his head. "Young love." Real love.

    Everyone was now gathered around Chloe. I stood back and just watch from a distance. I do that a lot with her. Just watch her, everything she does, she does beautifully. It makes me proud to call her mine.

    It was almost a year ago, 3 months and then we'll be at a year, but it was almost a year ago that she was officially named mine. I've been teasing her about getting a tattoo that says 'ZACH'S' in bold, capital letters.

    I don't want her to get a tattoo, it's just a joke. Why would she want to ruin her perfect skin with something that will be forever engraved on her body? I don't know. I'm not a very large tattoo fan.

    But anyways, I tend to watch Chloe a lot. It's hard not to, she's just so beautiful.

    My mom announced that dinner was ready and everyone sat down at the table. We all held hands and said grace, but Chloe interrupted and said she had something to say. I looked at her but she just smiled at me. But something in her eyes, I don't know. It just wasn't normal.

    "I just want to say, Happy Father's Day to Zach's Dad. You're amazing and you've been like a Dad to me. Not to mention you're part of the reason such an amazing person is in my life," She reached out and held my hand. "Which brings us to the next part of my little speech."

    She looked at me in the eyes and gulped. "Happy Father's Day Zach."