Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. *bump 

  2. Naw  i think we need more
  3. Part 56: Josh's Point of View

    The evil b*tch has apologized and peace is restored in the kingdom.

    "I'd like to say the prayer!" Everyone turned to look at me. Last time I said the prayer.. well. Yeah I'm not allowed to do it anymore. Zach's Dad gave me a very serious look.

    "Okay.. Go ahead Josh." I smiled. Perfect! Sh*ttt. What was I going to say? This is not good. I had everyone hold their hands and close their eyes.

     Dear God, I want to take this opportunity to ask you to bless this food, to bless everyone around us. I especially want to thank you for giving us the glorious and wonderful gift of gummy sharks. Amen. 

    I looked up and saw everyone staring at us. "Really Josh?" I looked over at Ali and saw her shaking her head.

    "What?! They're amazing!" Everyone kept looking at me. "Haters."

    Zach's Point of View

    I tried so hard not to laugh while Josh was saying grace. He would thank god for gummy sharks. Chloe looked at me out of the corner of her gorgeous eyes and shook her head. A small smile was playing on her lips.

    I bit my lip to hold in my laugh. "Amen." We all said. I let go of my Mom's hand. She was sitting to my right and Chloe was on my left.

    Chloe loosened her grip on my hand, but I tightened my grip on hers. What can I say? I want to hold her hand. She smiled and gave in.

    Her fingers wrapped around mine. I played with her fingers under the table and ran my thumb along her hand.

    After dinner ended, Josh, Ali, Emily, Chris, and I were downstairs in the game room. Josh and Ali were playing pool against Emily and Chris. Chloe and I were sitting on the couch. Her head was in my lap, my fingers running through her hair and playing with it.

    "I love you Chloe." I whispered, loud enough for only her to hear. She opened her eyes and smiled at me. "I love you too." She whispered.

    I leaned down to kiss her cheek. She has incredibly kissable cheeks.

    "PDA PDA!" I leaned back up and glared at Josh. "Did I interrupt a special moment?" He smirked at me. I was mentally flipping him off. "Yeah that's right Zachary. Doesn't feel too good to be interrupted when you're kissing your girl does it?" This was his revenge for me chucking a basketball at him during our 2 on 2 basketball game.

    I smirked right back at him. "There is a difference, Sir Joshua. For my tongue was not shoved down my significant other's throat."

    He glared at me. "F*ck you." Chris and Emily stood there laughing.

    "You guys are hysterical." Chris smiled and Emily and Ali agreed with him. I smirked.

    "Yeah. We're even funnier when we're bowling." I looked at Josh and saw him nodding. My eyes traveled down to my lap to see Chloe smirking at me. "You in baby? Or are you too tired?" As it is, she was almost falling asleep in my lap. "If you're too tired then we can just go tomorrow."

    She laughed. "Only if you're on my team." I smiled back at her.

    "Aren't I always?"
  4. More more more please please please

    Pretty please with a  strawberry on top
  5. Bump 
  6. 
  7. bump!!!!!!!!! 

  8. Part 57: Emily's Point of View

    We were all going bowling. I was on Chris's team, Ali and Josh were on another, and obviously Zach was on Chloe's team. Tasha had to stay home because of Luke. But we were gonna have a blast.

    We arrived at the local bowling ally with the greeting our family got whenever we went anywhere. "Oh my gosh! You've gotten so big! We haven't seen you in forever!"

    We all exchanged greetings. Zach introduced his high school friends to Chloe, but he held her very close to him making it clear that she was his. It was really cute in a way.

    We got our shoes and set up the scoreboard. Chris was up first, he bowled a perfect strike. I gave him a high-five and smiled. "That's how Bennetts do it. Ayye buddy." I looked at Josh and smirked. "Too bad you're a Parker. You wouldn't have Bennett skill."

    He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "You're such a b*tch." He stuck his tongue out and went up to bowl. Gutter ball. "Warm up." He explained and sat back down. He put his arm around Ali. She just shook her head at him.

    Next it was Zach and Chloe's turn. Chloe just sat there but Zach pushed her forward. "You first baby." She blushed and went up to get the ball. She looked back kind of awkwardly at Zach, I don't think she has ever been bowling before. "Go ahead baby. You can do it." He gave her a warm smile. She turned around and threw the ball. It only hit one pin.

    She turned back around with bright red cheeks. "I uhm. I've never been bowling before." She walked back over to us and went to sit down beside Zach. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

    "It's okay. I'll teach you baby. Don't worry, you did great." She smiled up at him.

    They were so cute. It makes me sick.

    Zach's Point of View

    Chloe was so cute. She got embarrassed because she's never been bowling. Well, she's in luck because I'm a great teacher.

    I looked over at Emily and saw her looking at us. I smiled at her and she gave me a thumbs up. I'm glad she approves of Chloe now.

    It was back to Chris and Emily's turn. She got up to bowl for them. She got a strike. Emily and her friends used to go bowling every weekend so it doesn't surprise me that she's really good. All of us went bowling every week.

    The look on Chloe's face was absolute aw. I kissed her cheek. "Chloe, don't worry. We used to go every week. You'll be amazing by the end of the night."

    She smiled back at me. We sat there looking into each other's eyes for what felt like a while. I felt Josh smack the back of my head. "You're up idiot."

    I put my hands on Chloe's hips and lifted her up. She went to step to the side to let me go in front of her, but I grabbed her hand and brought her with me. "Come on. I have to teach you how to bowl." She smiled at me and nodded.

    She grabbed the ball and stood in front of me. I stepped closer and pit one hand on her waist and the other gently held her right arm, which held the ball.

    "Okay, baby. Now all you have to do is keep your shoulders square," I pulled her arm back. "Swing your arm back like this, but keep your hand straight, swing it forward and let the ball go." I swung our arms forward and she released the ball.

    It slowly rolled down the ally hitting every pin, except one. One pin stayed standing, but it swayed back and forth. Finally, it toppled over. I hugged Chloe from behind as she stood looking at the lane in shock.

    "Congratulations baby. You did it." She turned around and threw her arms around my neck.

    "That was awesome! Did you see that?!" She started jumping up and down with a big smile on her face.

    I grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards the seats. "Yes, I saw it."

    The smile on her face didn't fade for the rest of the night. Chris and Emily ended up winning. Chloe and I came in second, and Josh and Ali were last.

    Josh claimed it was because he was 'rusty'. Yeah right. He's never been very good.

    Chloe's Point of View

    Tonight was amazing. Zach taught me how to bowl and we were actually really good! We ended up coming in second because Chris and Emily just kept getting strikes.

    We were back at the house now, I was laying down in bed already in my pajamas. My head was on Zach's chest, rising and falling with his breathing.

    He kissed my forehead. I looked up and smiled at him. He was perfect. But most of all, he's perfect for me.

    "Today was amazing Zach. Thank you." He smiled at me and kissed me.

    His forehead was resting against mine. "Baby, YOU are amazing."
  9. Best story I've ever read.
  10. Naw so cute  update pretty plz
  11. Part 58: Chloe's Point of View

    Ugh. I'm in so much pain. There was a pressure resting on my stomach. Great. Mother nature you f*cking suck. That's right. The red-headed b*tch is here. If you still don't know what I mean, I'm on my period.

    and mine stink. They're the worst part of the month. I get killer headaches and such bad cramps that I feel like crying. Sometimes I do, it's like I'm pregnant. Mood swings, and pain.

    Zach hugged me tighter, which made it hurt. I tried to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong. I turned around so I was facing him.

    "Zach. Zach. ZACH!" His eyes fluttered open and he smiled. He leaned forward to kiss my cheek but I pulled away. I really didn't want to be touched right now. "Zach. Please don't."

    He looked at me with concern in his eyes, but he released his grip on me. "Baby, what's wrong?" I shook my head and tried to roll over. He stopped me though and made me look him in the eyes. "Chloe, tell me what's wrong."

    Why did he have to be so f*cking persistent? Why couldn't he just be like Josh and not care and just go with the flow? But instead he's kind and sweet and caring and sensitive. Calm down Chloe. He's only trying to make you feel better. "I'm on my period." I said with gritted teeth.

    His eyes immediately widened, he was shocked, he didn't know what to say, but then his eyes filled with concern. He moved closer to me and hugged me lightly. He started rubbing my back which felt really good.

    "Does it hurt baby?" He was so sweet. I could drop kick him right about now. I nodded. If you only had to go through this. OH BOY. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I'll go make you some soup. I'll be back in 10 minutes, with some movies too."

    He crawled out of bed, not even bothering to put a shirt on and left the room with a quick glance back at me. Again, why did he have to be so amazing?! Why couldn't he just be an as* like Josh? I'm sure when Ali is on her period he stays the f*ck away from her. I love having someone here who cares when I'm in pain, but I'm afraid I'm going to snap at him. That would be bad. And I don't want him to see me like this. I probably look like crap.

    Zach came back to the room with chicken noodle soup and a huge stack of movies. "Feeling any better?" I shook my head. No, you dumb f*ck I'm in pain. "Aw, baby. I'm so sorry." He kissed my forehead. "Today, we'll stay in bed and watch movies. If you need anything just let me know, okay?" I nodded again. I feel like if I said anything I would sound like a b*tch.

    He got back into bed and turned the movie on. Arthur was on. I've been wanting to see that! I love comedy movies, so much. I finished my soup and laid back down.

    Zach reached over and rubbed my back gently, it kind of tickled but it felt really good. I'm so lucky to have him.

    Zach's Point of View

    My baby didn't feel well. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible, but she wasn't being herself. Growing up with older sisters, I was kind of used to women being pissed off at certain times of the month. But I never really cared. I would just avoid them, like my dad did.

    But now I have that special someone. The person I love with all of my heart, and she's in pain. I can't help but wish it were me instead of her.

    Seeing the person you love in pain, makes you feel pain. It's a sick twisted pain that your mind makes up and it hurts right in the chest. Right where your heart is. Love does crazy things.

    Chloe rolled over and looked up at the ceiling. She slowly shut her eyes. "Baby, are you okay?" She shook her head. "What's wrong?" She just shook her head again.

    After a couple of minutes she looked back at me and sat up right beside me. She leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder. "Sorry." Chloe looked up and gave me a sheepish glance. "Cramps." She explained. Her cheeks turned red, but her voice was just above a whisper.

    I kissed the top of her head. "You shouldn't apologize for something you can't control. It's not your fault."

    She sighed and went back to watching the movie. I gently rubbed her stomach, it seemed to make her feel better, or at least it didn't make her feel worse.

    I kissed the top of her head again and rested my head on hers.

    "I wish I could just make it go away baby."
  12. I knoow this was a random part but HEY. Random part is better than no part? Riighht. Well, I hope so.

    Anyways, sorry if it's boring. :3
  13. Awe bump