Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Part 53: Zach's Point of View

    I walked outside to see Chloe shaking her head. She was all by herself out on the hammock. Her head was resting in her hands. I sat down right next to her and pulled her down with me. We lay like that for a while, her cuddled up into my chest, my arms wrapped around her. Her breathing was steady. Her eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying, I'm sure mine were the same.

    I bet Josh told her, he must have. She wouldn't be this quiet if he hadn't. It's alright though. Silences were comfortable with Chloe. Everything was.

    She grabbed my hand and held it in hers, she brought it up to her lips and kissed it. I closed my eyes and listened to everything. The wind blowing, the birds chirping, Chloe's steady breathing. Her heart beat.

    She got up and pulled me with her. "Let's go lay down." She smiled up at me. "I'm tired." I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

    "Well then let's go." I took her hand and led her upstairs. It was warm in my room. She changed into some of my clothes and I climbed into bed.

    Her back was pressed up against my bare chest. I wrapped my arm around her waist. She looked down at my arm and gasped. I looked into her eyes and saw that they were filled with concern.

    She ran her finger along the scar, slowly trailing it. "They weren't kidding.." Her voice trailed off as she went deeper into thought.

    I kissed her cheek but kept my arm around her. "Don't worry baby. It won't happen again." She looked at me with concern in her eyes.

    "I promise. I'm better now."
  2. 
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  8. Part 54: Chloe's Point of View

    "Zach.. Zach.. Zachary. Wake up." It was 4:30 and we had to get up. He grumbled and rolled over. I sighed. "Ugh. Zach." He rolled back over and looked me in the eyes, they were sparkling.

    "But whhhy!" He whined. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

    "Get up you lazy bum." I whispered into his ear. I could see him shiver and he smirked at me.

    "Name calling isn't very nice." He pouted. "You hurt my feelings." A laugh escaped my lips and I got up to get dressed.

    Zach reluctantly got up and went into the bathroom to get dressed as well. He came out wearing his usual, athletic shorts and a v-neck. This time his v-neck was purple. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.

    He kissed the top of my head. "I know purple's your favorite color." I looked up at him and saw he was smiling down at me. He lifted me up so I was closer to his lips. His soft lips gently pressed against mine in a sweet kiss. He pulled away and set me back down. "You're so short." He smiled at me in a playful way.

    I lightly hit his shoulder. "Shut up! Not all of us were born giants like you." His brown eyes sparkled even more and the corners of his lips twisted into a crooked smile.

    "I'm not a giant. I'm taller than average." He took my hand and led me downstairs.

    Tasha ran up to me and gave me a giant hug. Zach chuckled. "Tash really?"

    Tasha shot him a playful glare. "What? You're the only one allowed to touch her?" She stuck her tongue out at him as Zach pulled me even closer and wrapped his arm around y waist.

    He smiled at Tasha and smiled down at me. "As a matter of fact, I am." Tasha's son, Luke, ran out of the living room and stood right in front of me, smiling.

    I got out of Zach's grip and bent down to Luke's level. "Well hi sweetie! What's your name?" He came closer to me and whispered into my ear.

    "M-my name's Luke. Shh. Don't tell uncle Zach." He pointed his little finger up at Zach. I looked up at Zach too and he shot me a questioning glance. I winked at him and looked back down at Luke. His small hand grabbed mine and pulled me down into the game room. "Come play with me!"

    I looked back at Zach and saw Luke wave at him. "Bye Uncle Zach!" He smiled at us and waved back. I went downstairs and played with Luke for a really long time. He was such a cute little boy. He definitely looks like Tasha, but he also looks a lot like Zach.

    Just then Luke randomly ran out of the room and back upstairs. Zach came around the corner from the stairs, smiling at me. I laughed at the grin on his face. "How long have you been standing there?" He smiled and sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

    He kissed my cheek. "Long enough to know that you are going to be an amazing mother."
  9. GASPS MOAR!!!
  10.  you probably already know this but i LOVVEEE everything about this story
  11. Part 55: Tasha's Point of View

    Chloe and Zach were downstairs in the game room. My son Luke ran upstairs with a big smile on his face. "Hey buddy!" He climbed into my lap and smiled at me.

    "Hi mommy!" He was so cute. I studied his face, he looked a lot like Zach. I'm sure some people thought Zach was the father, but he isn't. That's disgusting.

    "Did you have fun with Chloe?" He nodded his head and ran off somewhere again. He was always on the move.

    I looked over at Chris, who hadn't really talked much since we had been here. He was the oldest of all of us, and I was, now, the second oldest. I cleaned myself up for my son. Chris returned my gaze.

    "What do you think of Chloe?" He thought for a moment before he answered.

    "She's good for him. She makes him happy. Josh seems to really like her. She's a little young." I cut him off.

    "Chris, she's not young. She's only young because you're old. Zach is only a year older than her." Chris looked at me and shook his head.

    "Well then in that case I wish them the best of luck." Zach came upstairs again, except without Chloe. He had a peaceful expression on his face and his eyes had a hint of a sparkle, letting us know he's happy. This the first time in two years that I have seen him like this.

    Zach sat down in between me and Chris. He looked at me and smiled. "Luke is SO cute. He ordered me to leave so he and Chloe could keep playing." His smile grew bigger. "She is going to be an amazing mother."

    Chris glared at him. "Little dude. You're only 18.." Zach rolled his eyes. Chris had always called Zach little dude, or little man.

    "You're an idiot Chris." Zach laughed. "She's not pregnant." Chris seemed to relax as he sighed in relief. "Not yet, I want to wait until I'm married to her. But, she will be the mother of my children. I can promise you that."

    I smiled at how sure of himself he was. "You must really love her." He looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes. A small smile played on his lips.

    "More than anything." I returned his smile, we were always smiling now. I liked it, a lot. A year ago a party would be thrown if he smiled. and now it's natural, it's not forced. My little brother smiles because he's happy.

    Chloe came upstairs carrying Luke in her arms. Zach got up and ran over to them. He poked Luke's stomach. "How's my little man?" He said smiling. Luke looked up at him and smiled. They really were going to be amazing parents, Luke looked like he could be their child. But he is mine.

    Chloe's Point of View

    We all sat down at the dinner table, I was sitting right next to Zach on my right. Zach's hand was holding mine tightly in his. Luke was sitting on my left.

    We were just about to say a prayer before Emily cleared her throat. "Uhm. I want to say something before we start." Zach shot her a dangerous look but she ignored it and looked right at me. Her green eyes were staring straight through my soul.

    "I just wanted to apologize for being so rude to you, Chloe. I thought you were just playing my brother and that you didn't actually care for him. But now I see how happy you make him." She paused for a couple of seconds. Zach squeezed my hand and smiled down at the table. "Thank you for bringing him back to us."
  12. bump!!!!!! 