Thinking of You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Call-Me-Q, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Bump!!!! 
  2. Double bump!
  3. Nuuuuu T.T i want moarrrr! >.< this was my bedtime story after waking up from a nightmare lololol moarrr >.<
  4. Bump 
  5. Part 42: Chloe's Point of View

    I woke up next to my future, my present. My boyfriend, my Zach. All mine. His light breathing told me he was sound asleep. I smiled to myself. He loves me and I love him with all of my heart. Too soon? Maybe. Do I care? Not at all. I knew there was something special about Zach the first time I looked into his gorgeous brown eyes. And now, I see what it is that captivated me.

    He is sweet, kind, caring, funny, and he's absolutely adorable. Not to mention romantic. His mom wasn't kidding when she said he would cut off his arm, if it would make me happy. A smile crept onto my face.

    There is no one else that I could ever love more than I love Zach. I don't want to love anyone else. He's perfect for me. He's perfect in general.

    I felt Zach's arm wrap around my waist again. I love how he does that. It adorable, it makes me feel safe. Nothing can hurt me with Zach by my side. I wonder if that's how my parents felt. I guess I'll never know, but I don't mind.

    Zach moved again in his sleep, I've realized he only does that when he's dreaming. Whether it's a good dream or bad dream depends on whether or not he talks in his sleep.

    A couple minutes pass and he was still asleep, without a peep. It was a good dream. I decided it was probably time to go take a shower.

    I slowly tried to loosen Zach's grip on me, but I failed. He tugged me back down and hugged me tight against him. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked chuckling. His morning voice, wow, it was husky but raspy at the same time. Incredibly manly, but adorable at the same time.

    "To take a shower. I smell." I said laughing, a small smile spread across his face. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

    "You smell amazing. I don't know what you're talking about." He let me go, but stayed laying down in the bed. He rolled over and put a pillow where I just was. "Ugh. Not the same." I heard him grumble as I shut the bathroom door.

    I got out of the bathroom all dressed and ready to go for the day. I pulled Zach out of bed and led him downstairs. He was still in his pajamas, athletic shorts. I looked at the clock. "Josh should b-"

    I was interrupted by the front door opening. Josh's voice rang through the house. "GOOD MORNING SLEEPY HEADS! WAKE THE F*CK UP!" He entered the kitchen holding a bag of gummy sharks.

    Zach looked down and shook his head. "He is so glad my parents love him." Josh ran over and hugged Zach. In a brotherly way. Then Josh came over to me and hugged me, since I'm a lot shorter he ended up picking me up. I could see Zach tense up beside me.

    When Josh put me down Zach relaxed. But he slipped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Josh raised his eyebrow and looked at Zach. I could see Zach mouth the word 'Mine' at him.

    "Where's Ali?" I wondered. She was my only girl-friend. I wanted to talk to her.

    Josh looked around, he doesn't know where his own fiancé is? Smooth Josh. "Uh.. probably getting the bags." He shrugged and sat down on the counter.

    Zach released his grip on me and walked past Josh out to the car. As he passed Josh, I could hear him mutter, "Tool." Josh just smiled at him.

    Ali came inside in about 3 more minutes, with Zach following behind her carrying the majority of the bags. Zach brought them upstairs to what I guessed was Josh's room.

    When he returned he suggested we go to the gym and play basketball. Josh eagerly agreed. "Hey Ali, you gonna be skins with me?" He asked winking. She shook her head and shot him a playful glare. He shrugged and smirked at her.

    I spoke up then. "Nah, we're gonna play Guys vs. Girls, and we'll kick your as*." Zach looked at me with an amused expression. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me close. He whispered into my ear, something only the two of us could hear.

    "You're on baby. But I'm not holding back." I looked up at him and smirked.

    "Bring it on pretty boy."
  6. More
  7. Part 43: Zach's Point of View

    My girl thinks she can beat me at my own game. Ha. She's in for a surprise. I was walking to the gym with Josh, my gym bag was slung over my shoulder. Josh had his too. We had our own uniforms, I had custom made basketball shoes.

    The girls said they needed to get their stuff together, so Josh and I got there first. We changed and then started shooting around, I was on fire today. I was about to shoot but then the door opened, I missed the first shot of the day.

    I looked over and saw Chloe, standing there smirking. "Lookin' good babe." She said sarcastically, then walked away into the locker room. Damn it. Why did I have to miss the second Chloe walked in?! Real smooth.

    Josh came up behind me. "Man to man, I got Ali." He said with a wink. Well obviously I wasn't going to let him play my girl, no way in hell.

    Just then she walked out of the girls locker room. I felt my jaw hit the floor. "Oh my damn." Chloe smirked at me.

    "What's the matter Zach? Something wrong?" She looked at me with an innocent expression. She knew exactly what this was doing to me. Josh chucked a basketball at my head. I needed that.

    "Snap the f*ck out of it bro. I mean damn. Don't let your knees turn into jello." I shook my head and looked back at Chloe. She was wearing black spandex under her white and green shorts, black athletic socks that went halfway up her shin. And a custom white Celtics jersey with green letters. And the back of the jersey Jennings was written number 15. She had on custom Nike basketball shoes on. And a knee brace on her left knee. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and a basketball was resting under her right arm.

    My girlfriend was just wow. Something about a girl who loves sports, play sports, and her name is Chloe Marie Jennings. That kind o girl made my heart race. And I thought that I looked fly.

    She walked up to me with a smirk still plastered on her face. "What's the matter babe? Cat got your tongue?" She winked at me and jogged to the other side of the court. Holy sh*t. I can't do this.

    Josh ran up to me and smacked the back of my head. "The f*cks the matter with you? Ali's wearing like the same thing. You don't see me drooling." He walked back and started shooting foul shots. "Dumb f*ck." I heard him grumble.

    I put my iPod in and went back to shooting. I started making them again swish after swish. I guess I got my $wagger back.

    I felt someone tap my shoulder causing me to jump. I turned around and saw Chloe. I smirked. "Can't get enough of me can you Jennings?" She smiled right back.

    "Guess not. You seem to have trouble keeping your eyes off of me too, Bennett." She winked. "Ready to play?" I smirked at her and held my hand out to shake hers. "Good luck baby." I kissed her cheek.

    Let the games begin.
  8. Your a great writer
  9. Bump
  10. How adorable. He can't take his eyes if her.

    I just can't help but laugh every time Josh swears. I like his character.
  11. bump!!!!!!!! 

  12. Chloe's Point of View

    We were playing half court, so we could play longer. Ali had told me that she had never played basketball before, I told her that I was alright. All she had to do was get the ball to me and I would do the rest.

    I've gotten MVP every year in high school. I'm good with this kind of stuff, especially outside shots. I could make 3's all day.

    I was dribbling around the half court line, watching Josh flirt with Ali. They were cute. I looked in front of me and saw Zach. We had been playfully talking trash to each other the whole game. "What's the matter baby? Glue on your shoes?" I looked up and smirked at him.

    I made a move and cut straight to the basket. Swish. Easy layup. I turned back to Zach."They're fine, thanks for asking!" He looked back at me.

    "Lucky shot." He held his hands out waiting for me to pass him the ball. I did and made sure there was extra power behind it. "Watch an learn baby. Watch and learn." He got past me easily and ran up to the basket and dunked it. I wasn't surprised he could dunk. He was like 6'5, hence why he towered over me. He could stiff me anytime he wanted.

    He smirked at me and walked back, waiting for me to tell how amazing that was. "I'd be impressed if your teammate wasn't distracting mine." He followed my gaze to see Josh kissing Ali. He shook his head and threw the ball and Josh's foot.

    "Damn it Zach!" Josh flipped him off and went back to kissing Ali. Zach turned back to me and smirked.

    "One on one?" I returned his smirk with my own.

    "You're on."

    We played for about 3 more hours, but after two we had gotten tired of playing one on one and just shot around. I ended up beating him, but only by two points.

    It was dark outside now, we had gotten back to the house, taken showers, and changed into our pajamas. I have to admit, Zach is extremely hot in his basketball uniform.

    He grabbed my hand and led me downstairs, through a couple hallways, and into a movie theater. He got us some popcorn and sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

    Zach kissed the top of my head. "I can't believe you beat me. I just can't believe it." I looked up at him to see that he was smiling at me. His beautiful brown eyes were sparkling.

    "Well believe it, it happened." He kissed my cheek and whispered into my ear.

    "How did you figure out a way to cheat in basketball? I want a rematch." I looked at him oddly and he laughed. "I'm just kidding baby. I know you would beat me, any day of the week."

    I studied his face for minute, he wasn't joking. "You bet I would. Anytime, any place." He laughed and hugged me tighter.

    As the movie started, I felt him rest his chin on my head, and he kissed the top of my head.
  13. Zach's Point of View

    I can't believe she won.
  14. More  plz
  15. bump!!!!! 

  16. Bump 
  17. Part 44

    Chloe and I were downstairs in the theater, watching a movie when I noticed her light breathing. I looked down and saw her sleeping, like an angel. I felt a smile creep onto my face.

    I lifted her up and carried her upstairs and through the many hallways towards my room. I gently set her down on my bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

    I got out of the bathroom and took my shirt off. I walked towards the bed and crawled in beside Chloe wrapping my arms around her waist.

    I felt her stir in her sleep, like she was going to wake up. I leaned closer to her ear. "Shh, baby. It's just me." I whispered and kissed her cheek. She relaxed quickly and her breathing went back to steady even breaths.

    I still can't believe she won.

    Chloe's Point of View

    I woke up in Zach's arms, as usual. He was already awake and staring at me with an adorable smile on his face. "Good morning beautiful." He whispered as he leaned closer to kiss me.

    I smiled back at him as our lips touched, sparks. A gentle morning kiss. There is nothing better to wake up too. "Good morning. How long have you been up?" He shrugged.

    "Long enough. Let's get up. Time to get ready for the day." I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I came out I heard Josh yelling from downstairs.

    "I KNOW YOU TOOK THEM ZACHARY! GIVE THEM BACK OR ELSE!" Those gummy sharks will be the death of him.

    I went downstairs and saw Zach making breakfast and Josh was across the kitchen glaring at him. I looked at Josh and raised my eyebrows.

    "Your f*cking boyfriend over there took my god damn gummy sharks." He grumbled while crossing his arms and pouting like a two year old.

    I looked at Zach. He raised his hands and laughed. "I didn't touch them. I swear." I shrugged and started to walk away. Zach grabbed my hand and pulled me back into a tight hug. "Oh no you don't." He laughed, to let me know he was kidding.

    "I just want to go see Ali!" He sighed and pouted at me. "Five minutes." He laughed and kissed my cheek.

    "I was kidding. Take all the time you need." He flashed me an adorable smile, but pulled me back again and whispered into my ear, "You should wear my shirts more often." He said smirking.

    I pushed him away shaking my head and walked out the door to find Ali. O figured she would be close to Josh, but I guess not.

    Josh's Point of View

    I sat there glaring at Zach. I know he took them. I hate him. I was trying to strangle him from a distance, but his breathing remained the same. He was immune to my mind control.

    He looked over at me and sighed deeply. "I didn't take your gummy sharks Josh. I promise." I kept glaring at him.

    "Your promises mean nothing to me Zachary."

    Zach's Point of View

    My best friend is a moron.
  18. bump!!!!! 