The typical uneducated black card. Stop tryna reach af It’s annoying tbh. Not everything someone says or criticizes about something black has to do with racism. I’m black af and I don’t like em. Say somethin
From talking to multiple people and being a black american woman myself, i find that this art is amazing, but the simple hate as "KYS_Carly" said makes a clear guess on pimd's community as being such a unhealthy mindset.
Art isn't original, considering she practically did a spin off on an avi already used in a previous hunt. Color of the skin doesn't matter. It's an ugly, poorly drawn avi. The chick look like she's packing more than the man. I'm sorry if people want to play the race card... but I've not seen an educated person say it's ugly because of the color of the skin. It's ugly for other reasons.
Tbh everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on the art.It’s not because some of you’s like those avis that everyone else needs to like teem to.Like tf we all have different opinions.
What you said has nothing to do with what she said. But to what you said. You said everyone has opinions; Therefore everyone who said they don’t like it obviously has their own opinion. I don’t see anyone complaining too much tbh