#TheCat Gift Off

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 10, 2015.

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  1. Walking up the steps
  2. I live with cats in a 2 story house, the cat is going downstairs 
  3. Yep. Down
  4. Down stairs 
  5. Why does it even matter
  6. It is up. Coz i see there's a floor behind the cat at the end of stairs.
  7. Look at the hands
  8. who cares 
  9. See the shadows under the lips of the stairs? Cat comes down. You people need serious help. Get you're eyes checked
  10. So cute 
  11. Clearly it's going downstairs. If it was climbing up then the step would have a ledge to trip on going down. See the board sticking up. Couldn't have that on the top of a step..

  12. AGREED- one job that gives @ least 160b, 20dns, 75ec & 1 or 2cats 
  13. Oh, god more begging.
  14. !!!! ?
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