#TheCat Final Results!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. This was stupid anyways
  2. We this was disappointing
  3. think it was pretty clear that the only thing you whiners were getting was what you got 
  4. ow but the cat really goes downstairs 
  5. I'm going timber
  6. "It's about to go down" - Kevin Hart.
  7. Nah, next week they will run a promo for a special type of cat in honor of this stupid event. This cat promo will make it so if you drop the special cat, you get 2x cash for everyone! Only catch is that this new cat will cost 158 ec!
  8. 5x CC? ?
  9. Sounds Legit?
  10. Many hunts were lame but this just topped the charts of pointlessness
  11. This whole thing was so useless...nobody cares ATA....just like the dress...nobody fucking cares...
  12. THIS
  13. What now?
  14. Lol what a waste of time. These poor pimd players gifting like crazy so you can tell them how many gifts were sent
  16. ehk nice to know