#TheCat Final Results!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. So finally it's around 50% each??
  2. like seriously??
    That's it?
  3. like seriously??
    That's it?
  4. They never said we get a prize 

  5. 
  6. Stupid way to waste money  
  7. 
  8. Its clearly walking upstairs
  9. Pretty lame but ok
  10. indeed it was
  11. Why must they give us something every time. The kept us mid entertained for a few days. People had debates and fights over the whole up down thing.

    Truthfully they probably only did this whole gift off to watch the sparks fly 
  12. that's it ? 
  13. Why ask for gfts ? u said u waste ur money ? its a risk guys , ATA didnt promise any gfts in the description , so u guys have take the risk with or without gfts ...
  15. Then what's next PIMD? Just confused what's the main purpose of cat's down n up??