The Weekly Implosion #3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hill_, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Psst Hill Psst Hilll

    Pssssssssssssssssssssssssst Hill

    Guess what
  2. Hi

  3. -.-'

     hi
  4. I nominate me for person of wedk
  5. Lol danzo won -.-' try next week
  6. Aww i knew i should of read all pages
  7. What about me
  8. Shhhh it's a secret
  9. Man I'm too late to vote.....
  10. I'm sry XD stick around for next week's issue
  11. Pic of The Week: 2
    Featured Person: Cookie
    Extreme Nob of the Week would be funny. But so would the jokes too.
  12. Thanks for your support but votes are locked in and the featured person of next week will be danzo next week I'll let votes more longer
  13. Who likes pie? 
  14. Seriously, who likes pie?
  15. Με 
  16. XD anyone else? Lmao