Sorry, my parents decided to take a surprise trip out of country so I had no WiFi. I will update either later or tomorrow 100%!!!
When lunch came around that very day, I was little surprised when Dawson found me and mentioned he would be going home for the day as he had no afternoon classes this semester. He was going to leave me by myself in a school full of strangers and make me walk home all by myself. I think I was under exaggerating when I said I was a little surprised. I hadn't made any friends in any of my morning classes and as I walked through the cafeteria there were literally no spots available. It was my first day and I couldn't even find a spot to eat my lunch. I wandered the school only to find both libraries had a no food policy and most teachers had their rooms locked to the students. I went outside but I didn't really want to eat my food on the ground. "This is painful..." I muttered to myself as I continued to wander down the halls. In minutes I found myself in a completely unfamiliar territory. Had I entered a different department? I went on, looking in the windows of classrooms but I couldn't tell where I was. I had gone down a few flights of stairs, down a few dark hallways until finally I opened the door at the end of the hallways. Now, I expected there to he another hallway but no. It was a completely windowed room that was at least 20 foot windowed roof. From the roof came long plants and flowers. Flowers surrounded the room and there was grass everywhere. There was a small fountain off to the side, a stream and a garden of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and other kids of vegetables. "What.. Is this place?" "It's the hanging garden. This place belongs to the science department." I jumped at this voice. I hadn't realized there had been someone else here. I looked around but I couldn't see anyone. "Right here." My heart felt like it had stopped beating for a second and I spun around to come face to face with Brayden. Why was he here... and behind me nonetheless? "Did you follow me?" I blurted. He laughed. "Surprisingly no. I am just as interested to know why you are here. I usually come here during lunch to eat by myself. I tend to talk too much and not eat when I'm with friends." I clenched my teeth behind my closed lips and held my hands at my sides. Why did his very air bother me this much... "Are you okay? Do you not believe me?" I didn't respond and he shrugged. "Well, I am telling the truth. You are the one who thinks of me as some sort of germ. I'm sorry for whatever I did to you, but I don't want this kind of relationship with you." I looked down. I felt bad. "I don't think you're a germ." "It feels that way. Or... Are you shy and the reason you're mean to me is because you like me?" "As if!" I shouted. I flushed a deep red and covered my face. "Someone like you... is not my type. I don't like men. Any kind of man. I think they're gross, only think of one thing. They're strong and think they can do anything they want to a woman and think it's acceptable. I hate men." "That was a little harsh don't you think. To say you hate all men just because you probably got dumped by some asshole." "What...?" "I'm sorry if I'm wrong but... Isn't your hate towards men because of a lousy breakup? It's okay to admit it. One can become real bitter after a break up, believe me. It's not just you. But I don't think that gives you any right to hate all men. Some of us are not like that guy. No need to be so bitter because of one stupid guy who broke your heart." " dare you." "Pardon?" "How dare you compare my situation to some petty breakup. What I went through was not some teenage breakup. What I went through was a betrayal from someone I had complete trust in. How dare you pretend to know anything about my life before I came here," I said and I brushed past him. "Wait. Sorry. I shouldn't have assumed." "Don't talk to me." "Jane..." Without another word, I took off. I ran down hallways that were unfamiliar but I didn't care. I wanted to go home. To Dawson. I ran around several corners and finally came to a stop when I came to a place completely unfamiliar. It was a darker hallway with less lights. I looked around but I couldn't recognized anything. "Excuse me." My blood ran cold as I saw someone approach me. "I'm a little lost. My name is Matthew and I have absolutely no idea where I'm going." I looked at him, he was tall... Very tall. He had a paler face and dark hair. He was handsome but nonetheless, my hands became sweaty and clamy. My body grew stiff and I felt an urge to cry but I didn't. "Are you okay?" He asked as he drew nearer. I watched as he extended a hand to me and closed my eyes. "D-don't..." "Sorry?" I quickly made an attempt to walk away but I felt his hand on mg wrist. "Ah, um, sorry... I really am lost. I have no idea where I'm going. I'm sorry to startle you but-" "Don't touch me!" I shouted. "I just need some help. Why are you like this?" "D-don't. B-B...." "I can't understand you..." "Brayden! Brayden!" I shouted. I didn't know why his name came from my mouth but it did. He was the only person I could think of other than Dawson. Why was he the only one. His face was planted in my head. I really... wanted him to help me.