Chris is so Creepy Wall me when updated. I love the story, it is really appealing to us. Hehehehehe...
Brayden's face looked just as shocked as mine. The boy from the bus... he and I were going to attend this school together? I immediately looked down at the ground as I could feel his gazd burning into me. "You two know each other?" asked Dawson. "Well kind of. We happened to have met about a week ago on the bus. Dawson, I didn't know you had a sister." I looked up. Did they know each other? "Yeah, she's my little sister from out of state. She moved here for the next four years. She's living with Dad and I," explained Dawson as he put an arm around my waist. "This little munchkin is starting grade nine," he said as he ruffled my hair. "Oh, that's nice. I think you'll find this school a really fun place. Are you in the athletic department like your brother and I?" "Haha! Jane doing sports?! Nahh, she's in the regular department. She could have easily gotten into the music program but she decided on regular. She's pretty good with music, in my opinion." "Cool. And you play...?" "Piano," I said softly. "That's pretty cool. I wish I could play an instrument," he said and he flashed a smile at me. I felt slightly embarrassed and I awkwardly forced a smile back. "Well, I better go, I have a previous engagement to attend to," he said and he hurried past us, waving before he took off. "I didn't think I'd see him again," I said quietly to myself. It was true. I hadn't expected to see him again. I didn't want to see him again. Or did I...? "Cool guy, isn't he?" I shrugged. "How do you know him?" I asked. "Other than being in the same department, we're on the soccer team together and both first strings. He's the best goalie for our team. He's in his last year of high school this year, and most of us are actually quite sad. He was an awesome player and we all respect him." The look on his face was evident that he really did respect him. "So he's a good person then?" "A good person, yes but..." "But?" "He's kind of a player." "A what?" "Rumor is that he's slept with every cheerleader at Branford. Nearly every girl wants him and he's not the kind to shy away from anyone who makes a pass. Us guys respect him for more than just his athletic skills. He's a god." "A-a god..." "Yep. So don't get too close, okay? I don't want you getting hurt." I nodded. "You don't have to worry about me, I am not interested in men. I hate men," I said and I smiled reassuringly at him. "You don't like men? So... you like girls?" he joked. I slapped him a good one on the arm. "That's not funny! You know what I meant," I growled. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest. In reality... it really was something that if he had known the truth about Chris and I... he wouldn't be laughing. But there was no way. That kind of thing would forever remain my secret. Later on that day we went out to lunch together. His treat. I adored my brother and he always bought me things and took me to fun places. Even as children he spent most of his time looking out for me and rescuing me from other kids who'd pick on me. "Why did you come to live with us?" he asked. "Because." "Why? It must be much more comfortable at home with Mom and Chris. Why would you want to leave there?" "It... wasn't comfortable." "Why?" "Because." "Why?" "Can you stop?" "Why?" I frowned. He wouldn't let this go. Knowing him he wouldn never stop asking me why until I gave him an answer. I looked down at my plate of food, completely ignoring his gaze. "Why?" he asked again. "Was it Chris? Are you offended by him? You have to understand that he and Mom love each other. Dad and Mom will probably never get back together so you have to face that fact and accept Chris." No. "You have to be able to let him in." No. "He's not such a bad guy and you know that." NO. "One day he'll become apart of our family." "No!" I shouted as I stood up. He could see it. The fear in my eyes, my every shake was evident there was something wrong. He looked me over once and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you so quick to reject him?" "You- I- because..." "What's wrong?" I could feel my body shaking all over. My heart was pounding like mad in my chest. I didn't want to lie. Not to him. But what could I say? This embarrassment. This shame. I didn't want thim knowing anything. Nothing of the past. Nothing of the abuse. The baby. The lies. Nothing. "Jane?" "Nothing..." "It's not nothing!" he shouted angrily. "Clearly it's something, and I want to know. I want to know now. So spit it out. Why? Are you in love with him or something?" Before he could say anything else, I felt my hand move on its own. In the next second his face was jerked to the side. I had slapped him. For no good reason I had slapped him. "S-sorry..." I said quietly. "I was right, wasn't I? You love him and that's why you can't accept him. Am I right? You really are a selfish girl, Jane." "That's not it." "Then what?" "He- he and I. It wasn't me," I blurted. I could feel tears in my eyes now. "It wasn't me. I don't know what happened... why he-," "Jane..." "It was a mistake. I wasn't strong enough to... It wasn't me. I swear. I swear!" I was sobbing now. I couldn't keep it in much longer. I watched as he looked around at the people staring at us. He quickly dropped a fifty on the table and helped me up and outside. He pulled my arm and lead me to a back alley. "What? What did he do?!" he demanded. "I'm sorry. I don't- I really don't want to..." "Did he hurt you?" I shook my head and he grabbed my arms and shook me. "Jane! Did he hurt you? Why are you lying to me?! Did he hit you? Or..." he paused. "Wait. Don't tell me. Did he... touch you?"