The Watchmen Academy (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -Ali-Touched_By_Weeping_Angels, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. "With your skills, you'll be helping us when we teach the physical part of the students training. So the fighting, weapons etcetera. For example I specialise in guns, Cam specialises in throwing stars and knives. You can help teach the pure fighting skills. If that is okay with you?" Lauryn asks.
  2. "Don't be surprised if I learn some of your stuff quickly." He reply. "Just by watching I can learn stuff."
  3. Jacob smirked, sending a quick glance to Olivia who nods slightly. "Alright then. Try this."

    The coach shuts down, causing the windows to black out and the door to snap shut. The coach gets shrouded in darkness at the same time.

    Jacob moves so he ends up behind Mina, "pressure point." He presses something into the point, which scratches her skin before it stops when he takes his thumb off.

    "That's fine, everyone continuously learns throughout their lives. Don't be surprised if we pick up a few things from you," Lauryn says smiling.
  4. Spade shrugged. "My fighting style isn't any big deal, if you learn it good."
  5. "There's no need to be modest. We've heard a lot of stories," Lauryn says with a small shrug before climbing over to join him. "He's still being grumpy. We won't hear anything out of him until he gets the swear words out of his system."
  6. Mina froze feeling his prescences behind her.

    The windows and doors of the coach open back up illuminating the inside. Kaliya had a gun to Jacob's head and a dagger to his manhood. "Back away from her and if you try anything I'll turn you into a girl." She pressed the dagger to his groin. "Got it?"

    Evan smirked as he held his phone is his hand.
  7. Jacob smirked "well, a little too late. But someone needs to have fast reflexes," he states.

    Olivia stands up with an arrow loaded in her bow while Kyle starts throwing his stars in the air and catching them again. "Threatening my brother's staff won't get you anywhere quick," Kyle states casually.

    "But the knockout drug is pretty effective," Olivia adds.
  8. Dom appeared on Evan phone. "School rule number. 7 student shall not threaten the teacher or anyone else or thou will receive a harsh punishment." He warned before the screen turned black.

    Spade raised his eyebrow. "Stories? What kind of stories?"
  9. "Rumours about things about what the master has done," Lauryn states with a small shrug. She glances at her tablet and frowns before bringing up a video feed. "Oh great."
  10. "Rumours are rumours nothing else nothing more." He responds.
  11. "Yes, but they start from a fact which gets twisted and jaded in the process," Lauryn says quietly, turning up the volume for the feed so she can listen to the coach.
  12. "No one besides me has ever seen my master so they wouldn't know, maybe it can be someone else."
  13. Lauryn looks back up at Spade. "Are you sure? They wouldn't come from nowhere about a master and his apprentice nowadays," she says quietly.
  14. "I met people like that while trying to catch up with Master, so yes it can be others."
  15. Lauryn shakes her head slightly. "These days there are plenty of apprentices, but none of them call who they are learning from master. It's not hard to pinpoint stories. Let me show you a map," Lauryn says calmly, bringing a map with loads of dots crossing it on the tablet screen.
  16. "Of course I would call him/her master, I never learned the name."
  17. "So sir or madam, miss, ma'am didn't come to mind? Pluels why would everyone else say master as well," Lauryn stipulates.
  18. Kaliya: "No need to be rude but the staff should know not to use darkness as a camoflage if he's not afraid being beaten in broad daylight. So I call this what he is doing cowardness and I want to believe you're no coward sir."
  19. Jacob raises an eyebrow. "You used the dark as well as camouflage so stop being a hypocrite before I drug you like I did to Mina. I was demonstrating my three points that I said about. I called her out, no one else. As you two joined in it showed she can't fight her own fights. But what Kyle says is the truth. Don't fight their older brother's staff. So sit down and shut up," Jacob orders.

    Olivia keeps her arrow aimed at Kali. "Listen. Drop the gun and dagger before I call my brother down here. He won't be impressed to be pulled away from greeting the new member of staff. As you know, he's busy as the principal," Olivia states.
  20. Kaliya pressed a bit harder. "She was right about one thing. You are an old man. No respect whatsoever and I'm not her since I know how to move around in my given surroundings as well as the dark. She's still only a child with only so little experience. So don't make a mistake and compare me to her."