Kyle smirks at Mina, moving the last piece of debris. "See, it wasn't that hard," Kyle says before crouching down as if ready for a piggyback. Olivia sighs, gesturing towards her twin. "That's his wordless way of saying climb on," Olivia states. "We don't know yet Ed. No idea at all," Cameron comments turning away from the three behind the debris.
Drew came from under the debris, as blood fell down his face while Carrying both of the parsons. "Mission...accom....plish." He says with a small smile before falling down unconscious.
Edward wipes the sweat and some blood off his forehead with a handkerchief. "Seems like we caused a mess or the card trick man did"
"Well there's our answer," Cameron says before putting his arms out to balance himself as he had become light headed. Lauryn goes over to Drew, checking for any injuries quietly. "This is brilliant. One with whatever she has done to her foot, one with concussion and another unconscious. This is marvellous," Olivia comments sarcastically.
Lauryn shuffles back slightly. "No kidding," she grumbles as she moves her dress slightly to put the two guns away. She stands up and wraps an arm around Cameron's waist as he wraps one around her shoulder to keep him upright.
Kyle grips her thighs gently before climbing back over the pile, Olivia behind him. Olivia jumps down and starts walking out, Kyle behind her. Cameron and Lauryn follow after them, Lauryn looking behind them.
"The coach will be warmer guys," Daisy comments, showing them the keys in her hand. "Cam, this is too easy to walk away from," Lauryn whispers causing Cameron to nod in agreement. "As soon as we get back to the coach, we can have a look at it," Kyle says, walking out the building behind Olivia.
"We still need to clean it up," Olivia states as she lets Kyle pass her and goes back to help Lauryn with Cameron. "You, dude, need to stay awake. Don't act drunk." She pokes Cameron in the ribs causing him to jolt and his footsteps more aware.
Richard sits down with his legs crossed in the still burning building, cigarette still in his mouth. Caleb talks into a separate microphone from everyone else. "You should've been more careful."
Lauryn laughs humourlessly before taking her heels off and holding then in one hand, still supporting Cameron with an arm. "Head count, where is everyone?" She asks through her headset. "Ruby in the van," Daisy replies.