Mina was still loopy from the drug as she was thinking of every cuss word she knew. Evan followed behind everyone. Kaliya kept her eyes down as they walked.
(They have just arrived at the academy where Cameron and Lauryn are stood waiting for them) Lauryn smiles, putting the tablet away. Cameron turns away from the group before the amount of French swear words rapidly increased with each sentence that he spoke. He glanced at Lauryn who gave him a funny look. Cameron sighs, listening to the Australian spy on the phone to him. "I don't care if you think me saying French sounds odd in an Australian accent is offensive. I've got students to work with," Cameron states before hanging up. Kyle walks out the coach. "Daisy you forgot the CD," he comments throwing it to her and Daisy catches it.
Kiko and Ryko got off. Ryko stretch as Kiko looked around. "Hmm.." Was all she could say. Diasuke practically jumped out the coach as he smiled. Mikazuki stayed asleep on the coach
Zora: -Steps off the coach, her duffel bag slumped over one shoulder as she scans her surroundings. -
(Sure) Jacob walked up to Mikazuki and poked her arm with a stick in case she pulled out a weapon. Lauryn looks across the group, quickly counting them.
Ford stretches, stepping out and looking at all the people. "Look's like fists isnt the main style here."
Cameron chuckles, getting out a paper list. "You could say that," he comments. Lauryn rolls her eyes before snatching the list and putting it in her pocket.
Evan pulled the hood of his hoodie over his head covering his eyes as he walked. Kaliya kept quiet as she followed the students. Mina was just yawning.
"Mina have you learnt not to disrespect staff? Or do you need more of a hint of what else could happen?" Lauryn asks. Kyle and Olivia share a look before smirking slightly.
Richard steps out after everyone, his hands in his pockets. This bandage guy seems to be the one who knows about fist fighting as much as me. He's someone to keep tabs on.
"School rule number 7, a student will not disrespect staff without consequences. I'm your vice principal so watch your tone," Lauryn warns sharply. Daisy, Kyle and Olivia cringe slightly whereas Cameron remains stoic.