Jasmine felt embarrassment running through her bones.She already screwed up so much. She didn't deserve to be her. She ran to the dorms, crying.
Lauryn watches Jasmine wide eyed before looking back at Cameron and Spade "I'm not that terrifying to look at am I?" She questions. "No you aren't. Make sure she's okay after we get everyone to the dorms," Cameron replies. He glances up to spot Dom. Cameron smiles slightly before waving his hand in a gesture as if to say come outside. (Used to love that show, childhood memories) Jacob turns the coach into the open gates which shut behind the coach.
Zora: -Crosses my legs in my seat, and lays my head against the head rest. My fingers brushing against the sharp edge.-
Mina groaned before she glared at Jacob. "Hey Old Man! Next time you drug me, I'll fu..!" Evan covered her mouth quickly and sighed.
Lauryn looks round at Dom as Cameron gestures for him to open the window. Cameron slips a throwing star out of his pocket into his throwing arm while he watches Dom. "I'll knock you out if you harm one of my brother's staff intentionally as it is rule seven that got explained earlier. Which is basically no student threatens staff without consequences. So what you got is justified," Olivia explains, standing up as the school comes into view. The coach enters the open ground, originally being in the woodland. There are small buildings in the distance, but the massive structure of the modern school dominates the view from the coach. Olivia stands at the front of the coach. "Welcome to the Watchman Academy," Olivia states, spreading her arms out slightly as the coach stops and she climbs off.
Dom smirked as he held out a chalkboard reading. "Organization business, hacking needed." He said before going back into his room and closing window.
Jasmine searched through her suitcase, trying to find a new outfit,when her fingers ran across something smooth. Jasmine grabbed the smooth object and pulled it out. It was a picture of her and her parents. Taken the day before the attack. Jasmine wondered why her parents were attacked. Did they do something wrong? Where they threatened? Her parents were edgy the week before the attack. That's why she had her bag packed. Her parents were smiling. Smiling at her. She sat up, but the weight of the world pushed her back down. Then the tears began again.
"Damn," Cameron mutters before slipping the star back into the pocket. "Cam!" Olivia calls out before running over to him and hugging Cameron. He laughs swinging her round a bit before setting her on the ground. "You missed Kyle kissing the floor." "You used the cylinder didn't you?" Cameron asks. "Yep." "High five." Olivia laughs before high fiving him. Daisy hops off the coach glancing at Spade behind Cameron and Lauryn.
Jasmine stands up, unpacking her stuff."I'm a freaking idiot for coming here.Everyone else is a Grade A spy, while I'm a girl that still dreams foolish things!", she mumbled. Once she was done, half of the room was decorated. There was a second bed, so Jasmine decided not to decorate that side. Her most prized item hung above her bed. Jasmine's ninth degree black belt.Staring at it, she felt the cool surface of her mother's locket around her neck. Things were looking a little bit better.
"Seeing as those two have let themselves off, you guys can go ahead. Get off this thing before you stink it out," Jacob jokes as he stands with a smirk. Cameron drops his arm from Olivia's shoulder as she joins Daisy so the students could get their tour to the dorms.
Jasmine heard about the tours but the letter already said which dorm was hers. But just to get a tour, she ran down to meet the group of new students.
Lauryn watches the security footage on her tablet. "Jasmine is coming back," she mutters to Cameron. Cameron glances at the screen before nodding and folding his arms. "Good," he mumbles.
Jasmine froze in her footsteps. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Ever since the attack, she had the ability to tell is somebody was watching her. Not wanting them to realize, she pulled out some makeup from her bag to make it look like she was trying to cover her puffy eyes. After a minute, she walked down to the group of students waiting for a tour.
Cameron remained stoic, watching the new students. "It's called security systems Jasmine. It's linked to our devices so we can keep an eye on the place if we're on a mission," he states.
"Sorry,after the Incident, I've been kinda edgy and paranoid",Jasmine replied to Cameron.Things haven't been the same in my life since then. Also are you gonna tell us our dorm mates during the tour. I know my dorm number already."
"That's perfectly understandable. Yes we will. Just need to be a bit more patient," Lauryn answers instead as Cameron answers his phone and starts speaking hurriedly in French.