The war league

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheCatLady, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. Request everyone to help spread the word
  2. Signed up.. looking forwad to it ?
  3. Why can't I war? I'll pest dammit
  4. Lol we'll lower the stat requirements 2nd league onwards
  5. Professor X barely has anyone ☹️smh.
  6. Ikr... You gotta get more ppl lol
  7. Old ign -CikAnneTheClumsyPenguin-

  8. Which form is that ?I wanna sign up pls and thank you :)
  10. I did that I don't think mine working I'll try again
  11. It worked
  12. The sign up doesn't work?
  13. It does... You registered thrice
  14. Sadly the league has to be postponed due to lack of sign ups.
  15. Bump

    Can I have beershakes?