CONTEST WINNERS The Ultimate Video Tutorial Guide to PIMD

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. I had my nickname in description ? also I did said my username in the biggining of video, but whatever, don't care about boxes now :)
  2. Who's the winner btw ??
  3. Everybody who posted a video with their igns
  4. Think you should def send a feedback
  6. Did you not read the description everyone who made a video won
  7. :cry:
  8. Maybe i should have entered a video then
  9. I don't know how to send a video to you (ata). Well I won't win anything.
  10. You guys should have Ask pewdiepie to make a Video For you.
    1M View & Likes Etc in a Second :D
    butttttttttttt congratulation let us know what u got inside that PIMD Crate ?
  11. If anyone selling 1 of there Crates. Hit me up what you want for it. I got stat items i will trade for one
  12. I'm regretting!! When I saw this contest ny reaction was like "ugh man! I want to but I'll definitely not gunnu win ?"
    And then thissss?!!! Darnnn! 