The Three Worlds :RP:

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Naviesa, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Lilly: It is a good flavor but it's very um -pauses trying to think of the word- greasy
  2. Yup that's normal
  3. Lilly: Are you going to eat?
  4. I will later.
  5. Lilly:-nods and finishes half of the burger- I am full now
  6. Lance: -ribs a bank on California-

    Cade: -waits on the car-
  7. Lilly:-nods- Save it for later correct?

    Snow:-wrings out hair so it's more or less dry staring at the church-

    Scarlet:-swings on one of the swings in a park and laughs as the children fight over a toy-
  8. Lilly:-nods and stands with the burger in it's box- So what would you like to know now?
  9. Well wat do u want to learn?
  10. Lilly: About the humans, I wish to learn more about their emotions such funny things
  11. Hmmm...wat u need is stamd up comedy
  12. Lilly:-tilts me head- What is that?
  13. Lance: -comes back sitting on passenger sit-

    Cade: -drives away as they are chased by the police-
  14. Its when a human tells jokes about themselves on tv-
  15. Lilly:-nods slowly- show me then?
  16. Come on -walks down street-
  17. Lilly:-follows wih the burger box and looks at the park seeing Scarlet laugh at the children- Some humans are cruel -murmurs to myself-

    Scarlet:-takes the kids toy and tosses it in the tree laughing slightly-