The Three Worlds :RP:

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Naviesa, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Colin: -smiles back- no problem
  2. Snow:-shifts and looks around the church- So are you done praying then?

    Lilly:-follows observing the humans on the way-
  3. Colin: yep I just finished if you want I can show you to my house
  4. Walks into a McDonalds-
  5. Lilly:-looks as thehumanseat the large amounts of food and frowns slightly- They over eat from food they are given
  6. Snow:-nods smiling- Okay
  7. Absolutely. Fat asses...
  8. Lilly:Do they at least try to burn off the extra amount of food they consume?
  9. Lance: what town should we rob next?-yawns-

    Cade: idk at all
  10. Some do. Most don't
  11. Lilly: Humans are so confusing -stares at them openly-
  12. Are u hungry, or do aliens not eat?
  13. Lilly: I do not need to eat that much but I will try the human food if I must
  14. Buys a burger and gives it to Lily-
  15. Lilly:-looks at the huge burger and holds it trying to figure out how to take a bite-
  16. Just bite it.
  17. Lilly:-sighs and takes a bite and then drops the burger to grab a napkin-
  18. Lilly:-wipes mouth- That was a very messy bite -takes the burger and takes a smaller bite, less messy this time-
  19. How's it taste?