The Three Worlds :RP:

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Naviesa, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Cade: -walks to a bank gun in pocket putting mask on-

    Lance: -parks car in front of the bank waiting for Cade-
  2. (I know what I meant thank you very much and I said what I meant)
  3. Females nowadays are very confusing 0.0
  4. Colin: -looks out the window and sees someone going into the bank- why is he putting a mask on this can't be good
  5. Scarlet:-laughs- Im no normal female

    Snow:-darts out to try and find some sort of shelter having only been here a day doesn't have a perment home and smiles slightly walking into a church-

    Lily:-watches men with masks- That is the act humans disklike called robbing
  6. Cade: -walks into the bank killing the securities and robbing the bank then walks back to car-

    Lance: -drives away-
  7. Colin: -removes the rabbit meat from the water and puts it in a container and into the fridge then grabs his sword, shotgun, and crossbow- let's go say hello to those crooks! -smiles-
  8. Looks at bank- oooo exciting! -flies to roof and watches from top-
  9. Colin: -goes outside and carefully takes aim with his crossbow and shoots out a rear tire-
  10. (Colin how can he do that when they already left the scene?)
  11. (The can't get out of range that fast unless they're driving a sportscar which generally crooks don't)
  12. (Your in your apartment which gives them enough time to leave so there's no way you can do that )
  13. (If ur character is human, u can't hit it with a crossbow. A sniper bullet, yes. Arrow, hell no)
  14. (First off its not an apartment second crossbows use bolts not arrows third they tested it on a show that I like to watch and proved it is possible if you have the right trajectory)
  15. (Point taken by Sean )
  16. (I can't even have a valid discussion....watever man)
  17. (I have a house not an apartment)
  18. (You could had hit the window or rind but not the tires unless your aim is perfect which is impossible for a human to have)