Cade: -walks to a bank gun in pocket putting mask on- Lance: -parks car in front of the bank waiting for Cade-
Colin: -looks out the window and sees someone going into the bank- why is he putting a mask on this can't be good
Scarlet:-laughs- Im no normal female Snow:-darts out to try and find some sort of shelter having only been here a day doesn't have a perment home and smiles slightly walking into a church- Lily:-watches men with masks- That is the act humans disklike called robbing
Cade: -walks into the bank killing the securities and robbing the bank then walks back to car- Lance: -drives away-
Colin: -removes the rabbit meat from the water and puts it in a container and into the fridge then grabs his sword, shotgun, and crossbow- let's go say hello to those crooks! -smiles-
(The can't get out of range that fast unless they're driving a sportscar which generally crooks don't)
(First off its not an apartment second crossbows use bolts not arrows third they tested it on a show that I like to watch and proved it is possible if you have the right trajectory)
(You could had hit the window or rind but not the tires unless your aim is perfect which is impossible for a human to have)