In response to this thread a friend and I decided to delve into this scary action. We did all the aspects that we figured were associated with it and mutually agreed it sucks and is boring. If you're wondering who that friend is/was it was/is Spikey
Thanks for the thread, Royale. I ss it and sent it to a friend of mine who was sexting with a prepubescent girl on here and he broke things off with her.(I kinda sorta called him a pedophile, too. ) I honestly had so idea that sexting with a minor was punishable by law until this thread. I honestly appreciate the info. Thank you.
Its funny that i came across this...i used to "sext" with a cop that i became good friends with...then one day he just stopped talking to me...i have no clue if hes the type to share what i sent or not n i worry daily that im gonna see my pics on the matter who the person is...DONT SEXT!