The Saturday War (Pax vs a Merc Club)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DarthMaul, Jan 30, 2015.

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  1. Wanna start this off? ;)
  2. #CholoNoob4Lfye

    I thought you quit 
  3. Fuck. M8 you got the wrong cholo. ? not his alt
  4. You're right sorry bro
  5. Omg u have that avi XD XD sorry non related just funny to me
  6. He does!
  7. And yet he plans wars without a Cape. Superhero.
  8. Ahaha wtf I was lost for a second
  9. Duh. Ur s'pose to have intelligence.
  10. Bump. Come war today.
  11. New thread made. Lock this please. Thanks.
  12. I need to know club name for merc side cholo
  13. Merc Side lol
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