The Red Past

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DC_QueenNina, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. I'll update tomorrow
  2. Chapter 1

    Aurora Stevenson was working at her job as a therapist when she got a patient she has never seen before, his name his Landon Carson, but the file doesn’t say why he is there or says anything about him. This is going to be a complete and total mystery to Aurora, she is used to having something to work off of. There is a knock on her door, a slight one, not a powerful one, almost like he is nervous. Aurora got up and opened the door. In walked this massive man, around six-foot-two in height, his stature was that of a larger man.

    He didn’t say anything as he stalked across the room and sat down on the black leather couch, across from the leather arm chair that Aurora will soon occupy. They didn’t speak for a while, just sitting there in silence and looking each other over. He is judging her, seeing what type of woman she is and she is judging him, seeing if he will give her any problems. Aurora smiles slowly and puts her hand out, Landon just stares of it.

    “Hello Landon, I am Dr. Stevenson, the file doesn’t say anything on why you are here, or anything about your past, so let’s just start with that for today. Just tell me about your past, what you are like now and any significant events that might have brought you here today,” Aurora spoke evenly and calmly. It was strange because her voice seemed to put him in an uncomfortable situation. That never happens; her voice was always complimented for being smooth and relaxing. She glances over at Landon and tries to smile again, but her confidence is faltering.

    “Hello, my name is Landon Carson, I apologize if I make you uncomfortable, and it’s just that you make me uncomfortable as well,” Landon practically whispered that and his eyes were darting around the room, trying not to make eye contact. Aurora was a little shocked that he was so blunt and he would just say that.

    Aurora shook her head and put on her smile face, “You don’t make me uncomfortable Landon, this is about your comfort not mine, so tell me what is making you so uncomfortable please,” Aurora was proud with herself for being able to keep a straight face, Landon was making her uncomfortable, not only because the way he was acting but how overly attractive he was. It was his dark hair, light skin, and his eyes that got her heart racing. Those eyes, chocolate brown with a rim of blue along the edge, were beautiful. A girl could get lost in those for hours and hours. “Snap out of it Aurora, you are here to help him, not get all girly on him,” she thought to herself.

    Landon began to speak again, his voice as smooth as butter and as deep as the ocean, “the only reason you make me feel odd is that your personality is almost exactly like my deceased wife, and your voice, it’s so beautiful, it brings me back to when she was alive.” Landon started to fidget with his hands and he chuckled nervously. “She was amazing, her death was so sudden, and it’s also like you two are the exact opposites in a way. She had this dark, long soft hair, it was so beautiful, and I could just run my fingers through her hair forever. And her eyes, oh God her eyes, they were green, a light green that you could just get lost in.” At this point Aurora saw tears in his eyes, her heart just burst at the seams; it must hurt to lose your wife, especially when there is so much love in the marriage,

    “I am so sorry for your loss Mr. Carson; it must be tough to lose someone so close to you. I wish I could say I know how that feels but I honestly have never been close to anyone. It is ok to talk, let out your feelings about your wife, tell me everything about her. I want to know her almost as well as you knew her,” Aurora spoke in even tones as to not scare him off. He was opening up and she loved hearing him speak, the different tones he got when he remembered something else about his wife. She heard him sigh and looked up at him, “Although if you want to continue this next week, we can. I don’t want to rush you; I want to go at your pace. Just one question,” she paused, “what was your wife’s name?”
  3. BUMP >.< Nina, it's really good.
  4. Fantastic!
  5. CAL!  hey!
    And bumpity bump bump
  6. Aww thank you I worked really hard on this story
  7. It's 4:30 am and I just wanted to say this is awesome Nina Glad I decided to read it

    Great writer 
  8. Thanks bella
  9. “Gaea, her name was Gaea.” That was all he said before he stood up and stated walking to the door, “See you next week then Dr. Stevenson?” Aurora nodded her head and he left the room, leaving her with nothing but more questions and even more worry for this strange man that just came into her life.

    Aurora went through her last two appointments with nothing on her mind but Landon, she could only think about the pain he must be going through. He was confusing and Aurora made it her goal to help Landon move on with his life; still remember her life, but not to let it over take his life anymore. At the end of the day she got into her metallic blue 2008 Volvo. She turned the engine on and headed to her house.

    Her house was a gift to her for finishing college and becoming so distinguished at her job. It was a two-story home, light purple walls on the outside with dark purple shutters. The front yard was full of flowers and there was a large oak tree that over shadowed the house. The inside was even more spectacular than the outside. When you first walk into the house you are greeted with hardwood floors that lead into the living room. The furniture in the living room is white; the couch is white, as is the love seat and the rocking chair. There was a plasma screen television hung on the wall and it gave off the home feeling.

    Aurora walked into her kitchen and opened the fridge, took out some left overs and sat in her dining room to eat. She glanced over at the kitchen and her mood dropped even lower. This house was so large and she had no one to share it with. Ever since she finished with high school she has been a social leper. Sure she had been asked out but school was always more important to her. Dating, relationships and men were not her top priority. She is starting to regret it now; she is a 25 year old therapist who hasn’t been in a relationship since she was 17. Will she ever find love? At the thought of the word love, Aurora’s mind switched right to Landon, what it would be like to love a man like that.

    She could already imagine their hands entwining on their first date, the way he smiles when he proposes all the way to the way he would say “I do,” on their wedding day. Aurora shook her head and snapped out of her fantasy and realized that if there was a relationship it would mess her up as a therapist. She wouldn’t be able to focus on work and everything would tumble around her. She promised herself that she would never date a patient, wouldn’t risk her name in the therapy society. Aurora needed to get Landon off her mind; it was healthy to be thinking the way she was.

    Aurora finished eating and washed her dishes, got ready for bed and fell asleep alone in her bed.
  10. Author bump
  11. Wow this is really good!
    But please, PLEASE, don't put any more… bloody stuff in. I can't read stuff like that 
  12. Don't worry, that was the last of the gore kind of. At least for a while
  13. Bump!

    This is really good and your writing is like -waves hands around trying to find words-..... Is like... AWESOME!!!

  14. Awww thanks means a lot that you think that
  15. Bump for an update
  16. Okay, good 
    Oh and can you warn me if you do?
    But other than that, this is really good!
  17. After the appointment Landon was lost and confused. He swore after what happened with Gaea that he would never fall for another woman again. Aurora is really tempting to fall for. Her beauty, those eyes, green and blue, her hair, blonde and luscious and those lips, soft and pouty, could make a man go crazy. And seriously, his parole officer couldn’t have gotten him a therapist less attractive, or at least a male? He got the most gorgeous therapist in probably the whole country. Aurora would never give him a chance and it is probably better that way. He didn’t want to ruin her reputation. She was the best therapist for the money he got and knows that she is very well respected throughout the country.

    Landon has been out of prison for about a week and was so happy to be out of that small, cramped cell that he occupied for the past four years. His cell mate wasn’t so bad but he was very obnoxious. He would wake up in the middle of the night screaming and grumbling. His cell mate was in there because he had murdered his mother and wife; he felt really guilty about it and had nightmares every night that would never end well.

    Landon was released from jail 16 years earlier than he was supposed to and that was all thanks to his money. You know what they say, money talks. Landon was on probation for the next three years and part of his release was that once a week he had to see a therapist for the next three years as well. He also had the best behavior of anyone in the whole jail, he never got into fights and he always listened to the guards. He also had paid the guards off to say nothing but the highest gratitude they could. After the three years of probation and therapy he was going to be a free man. He even talked his way into getting the felony expunged from his record.

    He also talked his way into moving from Oregon to South Carolina, so he could start over in a place where no one knew who he was or his past. And that brings him back to the present where he was getting to his motel room. His dingy room that was no bigger than his cell in prison. The plus side was that the bed in the motel was a lot more comfortable than the prison bed. Sure he had enough money to stay in a hotel but he never did like high end things. He liked things modest, everything except his women. He liked his women with class and a strong future. He couldn’t stand women who were going nowhere with their lives.

    Gaea was a very accomplished doctor with a promise to get even better. She had her own team of assistants and she had the potential to go way beyond any doctor that was at that hospital. Sure Gaea had screwed Landon over but some women just weren’t cut out for Landon. He loved Gaea dearly and even has nightmares about that cursed stomach. He would still be with Gaea if it weren’t for that. Gaea would still be alive and they would have even been trying to have a child themselves. Gaea is the past and Aurora is the beautiful future. He just wished the past five years were a dream and that he would wake up with his dark haired beauty in his arms, but then he wakes up and realizes she is dead.

    Landon opened his motel room and looked in, depressed by the sight. The shades were closed so the room was dark and the bed looked threatening. He turned on the light and walked over to the bed, poked it with his foot and then laughed at himself for being so ridiculous. He strode over to the mini fridge and grabbed a Coke from it. He lay down on the bed, turned on the television and aimlessly flipped through the channels. It was only 5:30 in the afternoon but all he wanted to do was sleep. If he stayed awake any longer he would only think of Aurora and her beautifulness.

    Aurora, he just wants wrap his arms around her and never let her go. He wanted her to be his and no one else’s. Landon fell for women really easy and it didn’t help that Aurora was so easy to fall in love with. The following therapy sessions were going to be very difficult but he would survive. It would be his mission to go on at least one date with Aurora, he doesn’t care how long it takes but she will be his.

    Shortly after he decides this he falls asleep and dreams of the future, the future with Aurora, her in his arms, and her lips on his. Aurora Carson, what a beautiful sound. Landon mumbled that name in his sleep many times.

    End of chapter 1, updates will be slower because I have to start writing chapter 2