The Real Story

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sticky, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Oh.

    I didn't cuss...

    I told her she was being childish and shit but I didn't cuss. Which is offensive. I guess.

    She said I don't mean shit to her. Or something. I'm not quoting.
  2. Exactly. Players can abuse us but we can't stand our own.

  3. I would have warned both then Az.
  4. I was telling my side. Wasn't trying to be biased. Olivia, why didn't SMDelight make her own explanation thread?
  5. Okay, Rose. Thanks!
  6. SM said she couldn't be bothered because she simply doesn't care what people think of her. I quote:

    "I know what happened and that's all that matters to me."

    As a friend and clubmate, I didn't want her or Death Row seen as bullies. Its only fair we got to tell our side.
  7. Well, Olivia, firstly I know you guys are people. It's just the fact that I've seen lots of bad things go around PIMD, and I'd like to help stop it, but I can't. Moderators create a healthy and safe environment for PIMD players, but also interact with other players themselves. I understand that. It's just the fact that I see no point in creating a thread to scold a player. I understand that you are defending a friend, but it already happened. This is the present, not the past. We can't change anything that happened in the hiring of this tutor/friend of yours, so I feel that there could have been a better choice in how to communicate with Azarah.
  8. Also, I think people go in shock if a mods speaks their minds is because many people on this game are still in school... They may be looking at moderators as "Principals/administrators"... Who at school don't socialize with students...just a wild guess?

    And Reaper
  9. And when you made snarky comments about me in your thread, of course I got involved.

    And it's sad, because I've always really liked you. I just don't agree with you making an attention - seeking forum post that causes my friends and potentially my club to look bad.
  10. It would've been nice for me to know the full story, too. That, and I never told her that she doesn't mean shit to me. Finally, why did you believe nothing I've posted? When have I lied to you?
  11. Hey mods on here, is it possible to ban a moderator?
  12. Just a simple question.
  13. And I don't agree with being portrayed as a liar!  even? Or is there still an issue?

    Yes, pooh.
  14. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh wait wait wait. That was after. Im not sure.
  15. I'd guess yes...but I'm not sure.
  16. Can I just relieve my load right here?
  17. Olivia, perhaps cussing went slightly far. Just an inch far.
  18. When did I cuss?
  19. Not you. Her.

    Can I have answers?
  20. Mods can silence each other
    I'm sure they can ask for ban too ...(not saying it will happen)