The Question

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Hoes_Luv_Me, Jan 23, 2024.

  1. I found it
    Kefo, Hoes_Luv_Me and Muschi like this.
  2. I have rarely encountered that kind of conversation. But, I don't go looking for it, and I don't add very often unless we've already walled/gifted, or I see an obvious connection (pup/tut/club et cet). If anyone does end up in my inbox like that, I simply unadd and move on. Kinda like, "Not for me, but hey, you enjoy your game the way you like to. Goodbye."
    PT-Amelia likes this.
  3. This is something that concerns me much more than people who want to rp.
    I'm an optimist, I like to believe ata takes the security measures necessary when issues arise and/or are brought to their attention. That being said, there is a lot of responsibility on parents and society to be monitoring and having the important and hard conversations with kids about online activity and danger, not just in relation to pimd.
    Muschi and Hoes_Luv_Me like this.
  4. I'm pretty sure ata has said unless the chat is posted on wall or public chat channels they're not getting involved... and the way things are going it seems like they're only enabling predatory behavior by even allowing RP!
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Rp does not mean rape. It means role play. Which can be literally any kind of acting. Actors rp every day for a job. It doesnt make them predators. You cant blame ata for the actions of others. This game has literally nothing to do with sex in any way. Its based on college. It is the players who are bringing it to the game. No one has time to ban thousands of accs a day to try stop it. Theres only so much they can do
    Lumi likes this.
  6. Ironically you mentioned actors, cause more and are turning out to be predators....

    Also justva couple days go somebody told me their in sfw for just that kind of thing while both sides are putting that upon each other it just baffles me as to why.

    Nor can you say NOBODY has that type of time when their are plenty of other game making companies banned plenty of ppl just for chats alone.

    But I get where you're coming from for the most part
  7. As someone who’s been playing since highschool (I graduated in 2016) just seeing those club names made me smile (because I remember them) ahhh the good ol days of PIMD 🪑