the prostitute

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by lindsey1414, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Thanks so much!
  2. Can I be someone?
  3. I don't need any characters at the moment, but when I do, you can be one!
  5. Y'all should check out my story 'Lovely...'
  6. Please don't advertise your stories here
  7. I'll update later today... I'm tired right now...  meh
  8. are they all in an entangled relationshipoh the thrill!!update whn u can hun
  9. -^•^- new reader!  Love your story, it captures my attention. I would love to read more of it.
    (it should be a book)
    Want to know what would be interesting in this story in some scene or another...would be... A next store neighbor to nickol... Who knows about her more than trix. I guess an ex friend. Due to something bad that had happened.
  10. Keep writing you have talent!
  11. Luvipuppet: I LOVE your idea! I will use it in updates to come! I PROMISE I will update today!!!!!
  12. Short update 
    Hank's POV

    Christian was my old roommate. We were best friends, and we did everything together. He was my wingman and I was his. We were so close that we were like brothers... Until the incident. One night we went out to celebrate me getting a job. We went to the bar to have a few drinks. I saw a woman that I new, and I really liked her. She was beautiful. Her name was cara, and she was the love of my life...until Chris took her away from me...
    sorry for the short update I'm just SO busy!!! 
  13. Awesome!! Bump!!
    And wall me when you update pleade