the prostitute

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by lindsey1414, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Have you and aleieie figured something out together?
  2. No she isn't on
  3. Oh... Ok. I'm giving you permission to post your update because I like it a lot... And it's been a week...
  4. Christian POV

    This guy shouldn't be ANY competition. Seriously, this guy couldn't keep a girl for 5 seconds. I should know, he always used to attract girls like a magnet. Usually they'd send a letter through me and I'd just get them before Hank ever even knew about them. He is sooooo naive. That's why I was always his best friend, he's just such an idiot.

    Here is is
  5. Sorry I wasn't on, had to get braces, and then went with my cousins to a restaurant
  6. It's ok... Great updates both of you
  7. Kk but mine is by parts :s
  8. This is part of it

    Hank's POV

    I was mentally punching Chris before he broke the silence.

    " Hi Hank" and he smiled slightly.

    " Hi Chris" I replied bluntly and attempted to smile back but I turned into a morphed smile.
    Nicole looked at me then at Chris.

    " Something I should know about??"

    " Nope" I said almost too loudly cause Katherine, Chris and Nicole were staring at me.
  9. Last part

    I looked around nervously and soon Nicole was interrogating me because of why is said no so loudly. Katherine also seemed interested in the subject.

    " Hank please tell me" pleaded Nicole and Katherine modded slightly. She leaned forward in her chair and so do did Nicole.

    I looked over at Chris pleadingly do he could tell them but he too seemed interested in how I was going to say this. He seemed to enjoy my nervousness because their was a little smile plastered on his face.
  10. It's great seems like my little bro who used to do exactly the same thing when mom asked him if he broke the dish when she saw him do it
  11. Lol nice... Great job guys... Ok for the next update I will be working with just aleieie (i will switch off)
  12. It's been six days and it's on the 5 page.

    U worry me 
  13. I'm sowwy... 
  14. this is so Chris lol kidding but if u want him to update his POV for u I wouldnt mind telling him, he wouldn't mind writing eitherI LOVE THIS STORY