the prostitute

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by lindsey1414, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Bump bump bump bump
  2. I'm so sorry for the long wait... My assistants and I are still working out this whole thing... It may be a few days before things get going again...

    But in the meantime, enjoy this picture of a nannerpuss

  3. I'm working on my part
  4. Ok aleieie has already done her part so I'm just waiting on you and apple
  5. please hurry
  6. 0.0 me and my friend are scarred for life by nanerpuses *twitch* o.e
  7. Thanks for bumping even after a week of no updates 

    We had some difficulties with getting the next update together, because apple is sick and flubber is really busy

    It should be done soon I hope!!!!! Thanks again!!!!

  8. I so sorry I'll be more diligent in the future
  9. Oh it's fine I don't mind
  10. Updateeeeeeeeee pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
  11. I agree, UPDATE!
  12.  as said above. Apple get better soon. Flubber PLZ PLZ clear up yr schedule. Update!
  13. I'm done with my part