The PimD Awards

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BunanzaTheBunny (01), Aug 29, 2011.

  1. Most popular in forums: cheekychloe
  2. and most hated: me.
  3. Livkat. Stop making so many posts about how people hate you. Soon enough people will hate you so much. Make friends.
  4. they already do hate me. maybe i have some friends on here. but few.
  5. THEN MAKE MORE! stop complaining and do something about it.
  6. Im perm silenced. So im on here
  7. Best forum friends:

    Afdvfv(trae I hope I got that right.)



    Devients(I hope I got that right)


  8. Make friends on here then.

    I hate it when people complain. There is always a solution to your problem.
  9. livkat im not that nice just to tell u  i kill ppl
  10. Azarah best forum friend

    Kaykay2327 most famous

    AaronRodgers most famous

    Me for most active
  11. Hmm...

    Best mod=Rusty, duhh
    Biggestnoob? =Tyler durden or myself by ravens my boss so tyler it is.
    Most popular forumerer?Pfff Thats quite obviosly trick

    ~Ren[Un-Official mod Lover]
  12. BEST MOD: COOKIE0024
  14. Aussi I remember you as cookie  and you are nice and loved 
  15. Am i making myself clear enough?


    So will Tyler
  16. Most Smartest ~ Doc450
    Most Popular ~ Bosen
    Best Troll ~ Tyler_Durden
  17. Tyler_Durden is my pimd
  18. anyone nominate me? ahah jk
  19. Me for most active. Im on 12-22 hours of the