The Park Bench

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *MASiFFECT (01), Aug 13, 2011.

  1. I'm sure he has his reasons TJ, be they good ones or not.

    -Hands out balloons to everyone who recently posted-

    d o / / / / / x b
  2. Hannah: where did the old you go ?? One moment your the random, fun, panda loving, hippie girl that i loved so much and the next your a slut  i miss the old hannah sooooo much. Just know that if u ever decide to become the better you i will be here for u. I hate the new you but i still  u with all my heart even though you hate me now. Goodbye too han ban, the good times and living life like a hippie.  i miss u
  3. I didn't know that word wasn't censored.

    d o / / / / / x b

    Still kickin' eh Beth?
  4. And i guess im wit kitten kitten thx u helped me if that makes any sence?
  5. I guess im in the same situation as u were in an it really helped open my eyes cuz wel jus read my poadt lmao
  6. Sometimes I ask myself just how fast TJ is typing and I think "to be young again."

  7. Not real fast realy almost everyone in my class types faster than me lol and thx
  8. Speak now or forever hold... your sadness?

    d > ____ < b
  9. Josh: I'm sorry your mom got killed although I didnt know her she was probably a very nice woman
  10. d T ____ T b
    -Hands balloon to recent poster-
  11.  for you as well
  12. Wyatt: i think I'm in love with you... You said u liked me...y can't u just ask me out already!!!!!!
  13. there's love in the air
  14. What do u mean by 'still kicking' ??? 
  15. Sitting on the bench kickin' the sadness away of course!
  16. Charlotte: you made it your goal to make my life hell in highschool and for that I will always hate you. Why was it everything I had you had to have too? The boyfriend, the clothes, the phone... You had it all too. I'll never ever forgive you for turning all my friends against me, you are a truly evil spiteful girl. Yes I made a few mistakes but you just couldn't leave it in the past! And even now when we're both adults you still can't leave stuff in the past. Yes! You were the cause of my depression! But I refused to tell you that because you don't deserve my time or effort anymore.
    Sincerely, Rose.

    Woooow, sorry but that felt really good.
  17. If anyone cares about me.. End my life for me
  18. I have LOADS more i wana post  but i won't post anymore 
  19. U don't mean that xdaigla. Although i understand how u feel, your life IS worth living if u make it worth living 