-The Opinion Guide-

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. nice ?

  3. double nice ?
  4. I think I should farm you now because...

    I'd like to tap that

  5. As you can see

    I don't swing that way
  6. Swings don't matter when you fall for me!

  7. Said the ground.. Cause it doesn't matter how hard you fall, it'll always be there for you.
  8. Why can't i edit this wtf
    What happened was, i got silenced for saying youtube, i emailed support and called the mod incompetent, they removed my silence
    Somehow deleted the original post..
  9. Fall hard enough and it can floor you.
  10. Nice guide.
  11. Love the comic and the bromance.