-The Opinion Guide-

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Love it

    And like I always say… to each their own but I completely agree about the few exceptions part :lol:
  2. So cute 
  3. Awesome wolf! 
  4. That unicorn was super adorable  and love the thread!
  5. But real unicorn, have curve.
    (no pict attached)
  6. Unicorns are extinct
  7. This made me smile 
  8. Looks like I'm gonna get killed
  9. *uses Amanda's voice*

    Amazing. Amazing. 
  10. Ata should sticky this in my opinion ️
  11. Don't be wrong and you won't have a problem. ;)
  12. 
  13. This was a awesome read cx tysm for taking the time!
  14. meh, not as good as your comic usually are. It didn't even make me chuckle. It comes across to serious, the drawings only help so much, but even comics have limits.
    No support ✖
  15. Love this lol!
  16. And one more boop.
  17. Opinions are like food samples, you'll either choose to take them or ignore them, but they're always offered
  18. That's deep, man.