The New Plastic Surgeon (Story)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by renamed39580, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. This has been in my notes for a few weeks, but I don't particularly like it. But since the next update won't be for a while, I'll post it and maybe rewrite it later.

    Thanks for reading. c:


    Lily stared at her laptop screen, self-consciously running a hand through her own hair. The laptop screen stared back at her, yet it was her own reflection. She began to drum her fingertips onto the chair's armrest, impatiently waiting for Xavier to accept. She'd got to admit, she was curious as to what he would be like.

    After a minute or so passed and she was ready to give up, a masculine face appeared across the recently blank screen. Lily's eyes widened, before she resumed her composure and stopped her fingertip drumming. "Um, hi..."

    The boy stared back at her through dark, almost black, eyes. His face was expressionless, and partly hidden behind his dark hair. His hair to say the least was messy; the black strands falling into his eyes. His skin was relatively pale, which contrasted with his dark eyes and hair. A moment passed before he spoke up in a quiet accent that Lily couldn't recognise. "Hello."

    Lily studied him for a moment. He looked maybe two or three years older than herself, and came across as rather hostile. His arms were folded and a slight frown creased his forehead.

    She realised she'd been staring for a while as he quirked his eyebrow, causing her to lightly blush at being caught of guard and wince. "So... I get you won't say who you are, but how did you get hold of my Facebook? And how do you know Milly? Did you go to school with her?"

    Xavier stared blankly for a few seconds before sighing. "Are you aware it's annoying to ask so many questions?" After a brief after thought, he added on, "I know this is weird, but it's a long story and I'd rather not go into it."

    Lily shook her head; her familiar stubbornness appearing. "Nope. You either tell me or I won't answer your questions," she declared, a smirk darting across her pink lips.

    A scowl crossed his features, but to the girl's surprise he sighed and nodded. "Fine, but I'm cutting it short a bit..."


    Fifteen minutes later, Xavier had finished his tale. Lily blinked disbelievingly. "Let me get this straight. You knew Milly from middle school, but then you both went to separate high schools. You heard about the murder and saw the guy going into the woods with her, but at the time you didn't recognise her and so thought nothing of it. You then tried to figure the case further out yourself, since I suppose you were curious about what happened to your friend... But how does that relate to me?"

    The boy looking down sheepishly. The camera angle did not show his feet, but Lily was pretty certain he was staring at his laces. "Well," he cleared his throat and began, "it says that you live in England on your profile, and from the distance between the two of you I'm assuming you were, ah, 'Internet friends'. I was wondering if you knew if she was friends with anyone else online?"

    Lily's mouth formed a small 'o' as she realised what he was implying. "Not that I know of..."

    "Is there a way to check?" He responded immediately.

    Lily shook her head in response.

    A few minutes passed before Xavier randomly sat upright, an unusual grin bursting across his features. He exclaimed anticipatedly, "I've got it! I have an idea..."
  2. WOO
  3. What's his idea??
  5. Well.. Just read this whole story. I am so scared right now, like.. Really scared
  6. Sorry. :3 I'm going to try and update within the next few days before I go on holiday, but it might only be a short update, as yeah. :3 I'll try and update by Tuesday though. ^-^
  7. M'kay never mind. Early update. xD
  8. Not the best update, but I don't know, I want to get this story further through because then it'll get good-ish. c: (Around the middle.)

    A few minutes passed before Xavier randomly sat upright, an unusual grin bursting across his features. He exclaimed anticipatedly, "I've got it! I have an idea..."


    Lily blinked, arching an eyebrow. "Someone's a little bipolar," she mumbled quietly, referring to his sudden excitement, before speaking up in a louder voice, "on how to find out if she was in contact with anyone else online?"

    Xavier, as if he were a mirror and replicating her moves, also blinked. A bewildered look crossed his facial features before he finally remembered the previous conversation. "Ohh. Well, um, er, no. I meant as in to find out more about what happened; it's kinda complicated and based of speculation, but I don't know, I'm usually pretty good at guessing. It's kinda like a theory, too."

    Lily straightened up in her chair slightly, looking more serious. "No harm in speculation," after a moment she added on, "well there is. Just go ahead anyway." She smirked a little, intrigued.

    She was beginning to get used to him. She wouldn't go as far as to say she liked him, but when Xavier wasn't being too hostile or annoying she'd decided he was okay. She knew not to trust him, but he did seem harmless; just a protective friend of Milly's... Right? Lily attempted to reassure herself with that thought as the boy, hesitating a little, began to tell her his theory.

    "It's just an idea, but I don't know, it's not that go-" He was cut off by Lily clearing her throat, and he shifted his attention towards the screen where she was.

    "Dude, I know it's just a speculation and whatnot. Just tell me the idea," she whined.

    Xavier rolled his eyes. "Geez, your patience never ceases to amaze me. Well then. The idea is that the murderer must have known her beforehand, and they should have met at least once. He also must have known about the planned date between her and the boy he pretended to be, which means that it is most likely to be someone at the school. But then, it is said the murderer from CCTV footage in other of his murders is supposed to be around 30 years of age. This means that there is most likely someone at that school who works for the murdere-"

    At that moment, the laptop screen went black.

    Lily's eyes widened, and she stared at the laptop screen like she expected a ghost to jump out at any minute.

    "W-what just happened?" She said out loud, paranoia effecting her judgement. "Oh no. Did the m-murderer hear that? Is Xavier okay? Oh god, oh crap," she mumbled, raking her hand through her hair repeatedly.

    The girl bit down fiercely on her lower lip, moving her other hand which had been gripping tightly to the edge of her seat to then hover over the power button. She swallowed, pressing it.

    Her heart beat was fast, and her eyes were still wide.

    A message appeared on the screen.

    "Low battery. Shutting down."

    "Oh," Lily remarked.

    She felt like laughing. It had been nothing to do with the murderer or such, she'd just ran out of battery.

    Rolling her eyes at her own idiocy, she wheeled her office chair to the plug socket in the wall, plugging her laptop into the charger.

    For some reason Lily did not notice her camera had remained lit red, as if it were watching her.

    Watching and waiting.


    Xavier frowned, the picture where Lily once was now black. He stared at it for a while, as if waiting for her to appear, before sighing as it remained blank and logging off Skype.

    The boy then went onto Google, typing in Milly's school name.

    He had to find out who had killed her. Maybe then she would forgive him.

    He sighed, closing his eyes tiredly.

    Xavier did not notice his camera remained lit up.
  9. I never seem to like things after I've written them. xD Is that normal for when you write something? :3 I'll probably look back in a few months and like it more then though. :3
  10. I'm scared now XD thanks XD
  12. No problem. ;3
    I've just realised the camera thing sounds kinda pedo, but yeah. xD

    And haha, yeah. :D
  13. I don't have a laptop, but my school have plenty and my boyfriend has one XD but I'll probably forget so it's alright XD
  14. That's so creepy.
  15. I'm just curious about this. I won't be offended, unless you say like a six year old could have wrote it xD, but what age would you suspect me to be judging by the way I write? Well, not like how I am normally, but as in judging from my story/stories if you've read more than this one. :3 Forget about PimD's age restrictions haha. x3
  16. 18-21, actually. It's hard to tell though because British people are just British people.