The New Plastic Surgeon (Story)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by renamed39580, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Oh poo I hate BB codes. xD
  2. I'm guessing the person we think it'll be is the killer, because that's the obvious answer. But plot twist: it's… one of the other characters you've introduced.
  3. Maybe. 

    This story may get confusing, because I keep getting an idea of how the plot should go and then like a different one and then agh. 

    The next update will just be like there conversation, so mainly in dialogue, because I'm lazy af. Or it'll be another thing that I can't say yet. xD
  4. Alrighty can't wait
  5. Take your time if you need the storyline to be better! Bump! :)
  6. Bumping this. ♡
  7. Thanks. :3 Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'll try to soon but I've been busy with school, and after school I'm like a zombie. xD
  8. Its okay,I am a zombie now too. your health is more important! Bump!
  9. "Lily!"

    The girl who was being called slowly sat up in bed, groggily blinking. A yawn slipped through her dry lips as she woke up, tiredly rubbing her eyes.

    "Lily I hope you aren't asleep still!"

    In response, a groan left Lily's lips. Her bright eyes dull from lack of sleep flitted to her digital clock, seeing it was in fact late morning. Lily frowned; she felt too tired for it to be morning.

    Sighing, the girl slowly rolled out of bed. Yes, rolled. After landing on the floor with a quiet thud - her duvet muffling the sound - she clumsily clambered out before pulling on her dressing gown. "Coming mum," she called, wincing as her mum answered back in a complaining shout.


    An hour later, Lily looked more presentable. Her auburn wavy hair was brushed back and sitting in a loose bun, light make up decorated her facial features and a casual outfit had replaced her mismatched pyjamas.

    She sat on her office chair, used mainly for spinning around, with her socked feet resting on top of a wooden cabinet. Her laptop sat across her stomach; Facebook was loading.

    The previous night Lilly had fallen asleep talking to Milly's apparent brother, and she wasn't sure if there was ever a response after she asked to ask something.

    Chewing on a strand of strawberry scented hair, her black painted fingertips doubled tapped the messages icon. Lily felt more relaxed today. She wasn't exactly sure why, but the thought of having school the next day which was usually dreaded actually made the girl feel more normal and less surreal.

    Yes, although she was mourning the loss of her online friend, they had grown distant in the past year and barely spoke. And to be honest she couldn't barely believe what had happened to Milly, it just didn't feel real.

    Last weekend her only issue was who ate the last KitKat... Now her online friend has been murdered by a psychotic killer.

    Lily's attention drifted back to the brightly lit laptop screen, noticing she had two new messages. Her heartbeat fastened slightly as she read the first... From 'Milly Adams'.

    Milly Adams:
    Yeah sure, ask away! :5

    Lily gazed blankly at the screen for a few moments, before swallowing and typing back a response.

    Lily Jade Andrew:
    Who honestly are you?

    She sat still on her office chair for minutes, time ticking away. No response came however. As she finally gave up, a sigh left her lips and she remember she had another message. Furrowing her eyebrows together in curiosity, she clicked on the link for the new message.

    Xavier Anderson:
    Hello. I take it you knew Milly? I need to talk to you about a few things.

    For the second time that day, Lily repeatedly reread the message. Her eyebrows quirked, a confused expression blatant across her face. She didn't recognise the name, and the profile picture was just some cartoon character.

    Her fingers lingered over the keyboard, unsure whether or not to respond. She knew she shouldn't considering it was a stranger, but she also wanted to know who he was and why he contacted her. She didn't feel as unnerved as when she spoke to Milly's so called brother, yet she was nervous in a way. Who was he?

    She ran a hand through her hair, fidgeting her position slightly before looking back at the keyboard hesitantly.

    Lily Jade Andrew:
    Hi?? Who are you nd what do you want?

    Almost immediately, a reply appeared.

    Xavier Anderson:
    Who am I? I'm Xavier... That's all you need to know. What do I want? As I mentioned before, I want to talk to you about a few things. Look it's pretty simple; I just need a few answers.

    Lily uncertainly read the message. A frown slipped across her features and she awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. To say the least, she looked slightly nonplussed.

    Lily Jade Andrew:
    Why are you talking to me? I didn't know her in person. why would I believe you, you're probably some Internet pedophile ugh. Y the heck would I want to help you??

    Actually, Lily doubted that Xavier was an Internet pervert, but at the same time she didn't remotely trust him.

    Xavier Anderson:
    You don't need to know why. And wow, no shit. You don't think I already knew that? I am in no way an 'Internet pedophile', either. This information is important, and could help find out what happened to Milly. >.<

    Lily's eyes widened. "You get some weird people on the Internet," she mumbled. "I bet he doesn't even know her."

    Lily Jade Andrew:
    I don't trust you, for all I know you're a creepy stalker. Just leave me alone before I block you.

    Once again, an instant reply.

    Xavier Anderson:
    Fine, I'll happily leave you alone... Once I have the answers I need.

    Lily Jade Andrew:
    I'm not telling you anything, you freaking creep.

    Xavier Anderson:
    God, you're stubborn. ._. Fine, if I prove I'm not an Internet creep will you help?

    Lily considered for a moment, before typing back.

    Lily Jade Andrew:
    I guess

    The responses before were instant, yet the following one only appeared 17 minutes later.

    Xavier Anderson:
    Right... Do you have Skype? And if so what's your username?


    So I know this part is pretty boring, but he's most likely going to be one of the main characters so I've got to introduce him some way. :3 I'm adding on another part to make it a bit better and just yeah aha.

    This is currently the murderer. This is what he/she is doing whilst Lily and Xavier are talking. A bit of an insight to his/her mind I guess? I'm not entirely sure. There'll probably be more parts like this because I don't know, it just feels kind of unnatural and I like that. :3 Aha.

    His mind is messed up ahah.



    Paving, pacing and more pacing.

    Surely there has to be an answer?


    Well then, lets keep pacing.

    Round and round the padded room again then.

    Maybe I could make a song out of that?

    Nursery rhyme creator by day, killer by night?

    I've got to admit, that could be interesting.

    Dammit, you're getting distracted, think!


    It's not working!


    It has to be there...

    They can't know. Come on, there has to be a way to fool them.

    Just keep pacing.

    Quicker, quicker or they'll find you.

    Escape, run away, kill again, come on, think! I can feel them getting closer.

    No. Calm down. Breathe. No one's there.

    Maybe a kill will calm me.

    But what if they're there?

    Just keep pacing...
  10. Ohmygosh I love thisWho the hell is Xavier
  11. It's a mystery.  He's inspired and looks a bit like L from Death Note though. B)

    By the way there may be a bit of romance in this later on, but possibly not. I might kill them off by that point. xD
  12. Bump. Working on an update, so I'll probably post within the next few days. :3
  13. Whoa the new update is nice!
  14. Sorry aha, but this is on hold until Easter break. No time, and I want to work on another story. :3
  15. bump!! awesome story 
  16. This... Is... Amazing...