Chey'enne POV ****************** When I got in the room, I saw a man sitting down and I assume Emily was the one tied up. I just didn't know who the girl om the hospital bed was. "Chey'enne?" "That my name, at least last time I checked it was." Emily started to tear up, "We missed you so much, and when did you start to wise crack?" I didn't realised I said that until she mentioned it, "The idiot and Alex infected me." She just nodded, and then the man stood up, "I don't know who you are but I know you didn't come here to chat and drink tea." "Maybe… maybe not. You know what no more games just give me back my friend and you won't get hurt." "You can't hurt me kid, espicially a girl kid can't hurt me, but give it your best shot." He had a giant smirk on his face, so I ran over to punch it off. He didn't even flinch. So I kneed him in his stomach, and still nothing. "Told you," and he kicked me into the wall behind me. "You have no manners, you never hit girls." That really hurt but it would've hurt more if I didn't guard against it. "I thought I could play with you some more but it looks like you're done already." "Not yet," I got up and started to punch and kick him. He would block some then just take the hits. When I was going to kick him in the face, he grab my leg and picked me up over his head. "You saw The Dark Knight Rises right?" "Sadly, no. I don't even know what that is." I kept trying to free myself but no luck. "Fine, have you heard of Bane when he breaks Batman's back in the comic books." "Yea, Karl showed me that issue." Then I finally got what he was saying. "Emily do something!" "Alright," she kicked him in the joint of his leg, his arm had let go of one of my legs and I kneed him in his face. I fell to the ground but quickly got up and kicked him in the crotch. "You little-" I interrupted him by pushing him through the window. "Ain't so tough!" Emily just looked at me, "Did you just kill him?" "No, we're on the second floor. He'll be fine, hopefully not. Anyway, who is this girl?" I untied her, "She is a new friend, and she's in looove with Aaron." "She's in love with Aaron?" Just then Alex came crashing through the door, "Alex are you alright?!" He sat up, "We gotta help…" and he passed out. We looked over and saw a boy celebrating beating Alex, the other was holding Aaron by the neck and slowly started to stick a knife into Aarons chest. We could only listen to him scream in pain.
7 minutes before ******************** I just stood there, quiet thinking about what Alex asked. I finally decided to answer, "I love… the one with bigger breast!" He just looked at me, "you are so perverted." I laughed for a second, then the last two guys walk in front of us. When Alex and I noticed who they were we couldn't beleive it. "No way, even you guys?!" The guy on the right was Lance Daniels, the co-captain of the football team. The other was the co-captain of my basketball team, Terry Griffin. "Yo, Aaron get ready to get your ass handed yo you." They just started laughing. "We never liked you two so we decided to just erase who you are." I thought they were cool, but I guess I was wrong. "I guess everyone hates us, but why try to hurt the girls?" "We're not, but before this fight lets make a deal. If you win we give you $200 each and we relocate schools." "And if we lose?" Terry looked at me crazy. "If yoilu lose not only are you dead, but we'll also have it our way with all three of those girls in there, especially your big sis." I started to get frustrated. "Don't worry I'll make sure she squeals real good while I'm doing her, and then we'll kill them." That was it, I ran over to Terry and swung at his face, he simlpy stepped to the left and punched me in my stomach. While I was falling to the floor he grabbed me by the neck and lifted me in a supplex position. He started to fall backwards and slammed me on my back. Everything started to go blurry. Alex was going blow for blow with Lance. Lance swung at Alex, but he grabbed his arm and head-butted him. Then Alex took a swing and Lance ducked under it and uppercut Alex. I got up slowly, Terry tried to punch me but I tripped him. I balled up my fist and it came crashing down towards his face. He rolled out of the way, and before I could retaliate he kicked me in my face. He grabbed me by my neck and lifted me up. He took out a knife and started swirling it around. "It's been fun, but I'm afraid I have to end it." He started to slowly move the knife towards my chest, and I heard Akex call my name. "Aaron!" "You're open!" Lance kicked Alex through the door Emily and the rest were. He started celebrating," I win, and you lose♬" I saw Emily's eyes they were starting to tear up. I saw the terror of watching her little brother about to die. Terry stabbed me and slowly moved the knife deeper and deeper. "Face it, you can't win." I started to see a light, I knew this was it. I was going to die knowing I let my friends down. I just want to say one last thing. "Emily, when I'm gone do not go in the box under my bed." I smiled and the last thing I saw was Emily.
Alex's POV *********************** I opened my eyes quickly, and saw Aaron lying on the floor. He was motionless, there was blood surrounding him. Lance and Terry started to make their way towards me. "One down, one to go." I tried to stand but the wounds I got before this situation opened up. They were right there, Terry had the knife raised. Out of nowhere there was a gunshot. Lance fell to the ground and there was a bullet hole in his head. I looked around to see who did it, when I saw who did it, I grabbed Chey'enne and told her to get back. Emily was crying, and she was holding a gun point-blank at Terry. "W-wait! Can't we talk this out?" Emily slowly pulled the trigger and shot Terry. She kept shooting. I had to take the gun away from her. "Calm down, he'a dead." I looked at Kennway, and pointed the gun. I pulled the trigger, but there was only a click. There wasn't anymore bullets in the clip. He started to walk towards me. He gave me a right hook, then left, and finished with a uppercut. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at Emily. She was to scared to move. "This will make two." I gathered every ounce of strength I had and ran towards Emily. I pushed her out of the way, I felt something enter and exit my shoulder. "I didn't think he would move. I'll just put him out of his misery." Another gunshot went off. I thought I was dead but Kennway did not shoot. A police officer had his gun pointed at a falling Kennway. "Are you kids alright? I was on patrol when a guy flew through the window." He holstered his gun and then looked at me. He called in some paramedics, they overlooked me and said I would be alright, Maddison was just unconcious from blood loss. "What about Aaron? What about my brother?" Emily was more concerned about him, which was understandable. "We are doing the best we can, please be paitient." I feel tired, I can barely keep my eyes open. "I need help over here! He's losing to much blood!"